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  1. G

    Dr. Who Heifer for Sale

    Please give me your emails, but only if your truely interested. Cause im getting over run with pm's.
  2. G

    Dr. Who Heifer for Sale

    Would be glad to send pics to anyone interested.
  3. G

    Dr. Who Heifer for Sale

        I have a heifer out of Dr. Who x Smokey Dam that I am selling. She is a april heifer, registered as a chi, and is black & white. She is located in Oklahoma. Is show broke and been weaned and feed since labor day. My selling price is $1750. Will email pictures upon request, just pm me.
  4. G

    Show Steers Wanted

    We have a very good selection of angus calves (don't have papers though).
  5. G


    I have several nice looking angus limosien steers and heifers for 1,250 weigh about 1,000lbs. For more info email me at [email protected].                                                                                                                                                      ...
  6. G

    Looing For 2009 Show heifers

    I have one its my profile pic her sire is full angus,and her dam is half angus-charolais
  7. G

    Show heifers

    she's in my profile pic.
  8. G

    Show heifers

    I have a charolais-angus commercial calf but she has alot of muscle to her
  9. G

    Show heifers for sale. Also can offer cheap hauling to Texas next week.

    When was the fourth one born, and whats the lowest you'de take
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    looking for a trailer for sale

    We are looking for a trailer for sale if you have one post price and pic. I'll get back to you if I'm interested.
  11. G

    Show heifers for sale. Also can offer cheap hauling to Texas next week.

    where do you live and what do you want fot them
  12. G

    Saler cattle

    What is this breed and are they good to breed with angus?