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  1. H

    What would you do?....

    It happens from time to time if your around cattle long enough. Just have your vet come out and cut him. We had to do it on a yearling calf before, set him back for a week or so then back to the races.
  2. H

    Bulls for second calvers to make show steers

    He's not. Last year was first crop I believe. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any or seen any calves out of him. Looks like he should make real nice heifers.
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    Bulls for second calvers to make show steers

    How do you guys feel about Griswold's Maine bull " All That Matters "
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    Roy Lovaas (Hidden Hill Farm Shorthorns)

    That is a beef bull no matter what color it is. 👍
  5. H

    Photos from the Great White North (pic heavy)

      Those are some impressive calves for being that young and those conditions. Wide made and stout, very nice.
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    Seman tanks

    Wow that's really efficient. Thanks
  7. H

    Seman tanks

    Looking to buy a tank and just wondering which ones, if any, hold nitrogen longer when left closed? Thanks
  8. H

    FU MAN CHU breeding question

    Would this type cow work with FMC? I'm thinking him or lautners Stock Broker.
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    Ideas on 1st calf heifer?

    I have a clubby heifer that I am considering using slider on. Some very good looking calves out there and all reports are very heifer safe.
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    Griswold Bulls, Roulette and All That Matters.

      Anybody used either of these bulls. What are the calf reports on them. Do they come easy, do they grow, and of course how do they look?
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    Comfort Zone or Maternally Made

    They are both bred to shorthorn bulls for March calves. Gonna be fun.
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    Comfort Zone or Maternally Made

    734 son x sagahachee 3000c
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    Comfort Zone or Maternally Made

    Meyers 734 son x sagahachee 3000c
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    Comfort Zone or Maternally Made

    I'm glad to hear these reports. I have been leaning heavily towards Comfort Zone. I have attached pictures of 2 of the cows that will be bred to him.
  15. H

    Comfort Zone or Maternally Made

    I have some simmy/ Angus cows that are 5 years old and need cleaning up in the front end, other wise they are tanks. What's the current scouting report on these 2 bulls? I'm looking for heifers and steer calves.
  16. H

    Breeding question

    I have a first calf heifer by Fu Man Chu x Alias/Full throttle cow. She needs a touch more frame and front end extention. I'm lookin at Comfort Zone or I Da Man to breed her to. Any thoughts or suggestions on these bulls or other clean bulls that work on the monopoly line?
  17. H

    Breeding question

      I have a heifer by fu man chu x Alias/full throttle cow  that I am looking to breed to Comfort Zone or I Dam Man.  Any thoughts or suggestions on clean bulls that work on the monopoly line?