my march 07 show heifer has been milking my 06 bred heifer who is due in a couple weeks.
reason i am asking is the yearling heifer has had dirreah for about a month and i have tried everything but she still cant get back to where i want her.
Can this be happening because she is milking her...
Umatill Jackpot show at the umatilla land lab
Sunday March 16
steer and heifer(hip height)
check in 9-11
20/ calf
5/ showmanship
Last year had really good payouts like 100/class winner
call ag teacher George Grenfield for more info 352-636-4331
Umatill Jackpot show at the umatilla land lab
Sunday March 16
steer and heifer(hip height)
check in 9-11
20/ calf
5/ showmanship
Last year had really good payouts like 100/class winner
call ag teacher George Grenfield for more info 352-636-4331
the boy who had her has sold out all of his stuff and is out of the show business......i bought out all of his show supplies but he still has his three heifers as far as i know......the cows are just out on some pasture and being fed some feed........if you are intersested in his heifers send me...
you have done a really nice job for first time.....but it does need more taken off before the show.....the way i learned to get better was going through the clubcalf bulls and seeing how they were clipped.....also at the next show go around and watch the big dogs clipping and fitting and you...
those are bad bu what i would do is get a group of parents and do everything you can to replace or vote out board members.......or just boycott them and dont go back........if they are making it county bred what difference does it make for you because i know you guys raise club calfs
ok i need some project ideas ......give me something off the top of your head or one you or your child has done before.
anything would be great.
i have seen this heifer in person and i wouldnt say that she is steery in her head but i wouldnt say she is all to feminine in her head....the rest of her body is feminine though and shes a good heifer
go to the NAILE site and go to show photos, then click on beef, click on junior heifer and she should be on their somewhere
anyways she is awesome.....could have gone either way between her and the SULL rosemary heifer
yep in florida it will be the last i heard in the low 20's with a wind chill of low 10's and winds on average 25 to floridaians are not use to weather like this
i dont know if you are reading right but it says there is a 5 dollar discount off of the price of there like a 20 straw would cost 15 dollars on sale day....not 5 dollars a piece for each straw
that sounds like a good deal i would buy some q dog he looks pretty good in...
i got a clipper box but sullivans forgot to put foam in it (:)) i also got new rope halters and neck ties for show....and they sent a neck tie with no rings (:))....other sullivan stuff and clothes
do they have to collect the DNA after they slaughter the steer? or i there another method of getting the DNA?
that gentry steer was good but at 1250 he was short little pud. he couldnt walk very well at the IN state fair.....they pumped so many packets of stride from Sullivan's just to et him...
nope the stuff didnt smell....but funny thing i went to my property where my animals are and i checked up on her and she had licked her feed bowl clean .....she ate 2 scoops of feed and 1 scoop of wet beet pulp.......feed her for the night and she went right in and ate like a champ........she's...
ya i have cut her feed in half and have tried wet beet pulp and she seemed to like it a bit more than just straight feed or dry pulp.we first thought she was in heat but it was weird stuff that come out......i guess some heifers can just be different
i know she should be alright
i was even...
ok i have a POM heifer on a double down cow that i bought back in september.....she wasnt exactly the growthiest calf and was green when i got her....i pushed her on feed and she was doing great weekend before last we went to show it was a friday saturday deal and on fri night she had this stuff...