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  1. R

    Price of Show Feed plus one other

    i used Showmaster calf finisher on my steer down here in florida......started him on it the beginning of summer and at fair he scanned .63 backfat and was GC steer.....Remember this was in FLORIDA and during the hot part of the year. we pay pretty much 10 a bag awesome stuff
  2. R

    Highway Robbery

    it differs in size because we buy from whoever and srore it semi trailer until we sell all of it. pretty much they are a regular size square bale.
  3. R

    steer questions

    i will say that you did get a good deal for your jensen heifer but i where have you hear someone paying 4000 dollars for a heifer.....the most i have heard and paid myself is 3000 for a heifer and that is plenty to swipe the floor in florida a couple times......but like jasen jensen Mr. Chattin...
  4. R

    A Fitter's Work Is Never Done

    usually after we clip we will pick up hair......have done in the past not at all  lately but spray the flank heavy with tail add a little hair, let dry, spray heavy again and add more hair. do this till you cant see throughthe flank and fill with paint then black over.......if you are going to...
  5. R

    Highway Robbery

    i work at a feed store here in central florida and here are the prices for all the types of hay we have Coastal 6.95 T/A 10.99 Albert Timothy 21.99 peanut hay 12.50 Orchard grass 13.00 New mexico alf. 15.99 coastal rounds 70.00      4x4 have you guys seen the new thing, COMPESSED HAY its like...
  6. R

    steer questions

    ok basically strawroanlova bought a steer from a local breeder before fair, which someone helped him with the 900 dollars(basically a loan) he just sold his hog at the fair and made a good profit the blue roan he has is just a steer, nothing special but a decent steer, i have bought steer...
  7. R

    naile results

    that steer was so thick you could put a bale of hay on his top and it wouldnt fall over.....he was bad@$$
  8. R

    Stolen cattle at NAILE

    my brother said that there was huge sign in the shorthorn wing that had a 5,000 dollar reward for the return of two shorthorn heifers stolen from tieouts.....thats all i remember about it......i didnt know it was four heifers stolen
  9. R

    Louisville ?

    going with two chi heifers will be there all week.
  10. R

    sorry to all

    strawroanlova is my little bud.......he knows i joke with him all the time...but sorry if i mad anybody mad.
  11. R

    tell me what you think

    kind of like your blue roan.....wheres his hair?