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  1. S

    Cates results!

    Got bronchitis right now.  Thanks. Congratulations on purchasing the embroys!  (thumbsup) When do you think you'll up put them in? 
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    Commercail Heifer

    Funny, I was thinking a similar thing except I was thinking of the name, "Speckles".  She's a very unique looking animal.  I like her a lot.
  3. S

    Photoshop help. Here we go again!

    LOL!!!! Yeah, make sure to give her a roan color also.  BTW, does she have any chi in her?  She looks really nice. 
  4. S

    Cates results!

    Wish I could've been there to met you Doc, and a few other folks.  Been under the weather for the past few days.  Did you bring new critters home with ya?  :) Glad you had a good time.  :) Brian (SJ)
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    The Genetics Collection Sale at Hale Farms CATALOG NOW ONLINE

    Nice offering! I really do like that Annadelle donor cow.  Especially the way she is bred. 
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    Remitall Polled Hereford Dispersal

    Interesting history lesson as always.  Thanks JIT! 
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    Special prayer/thought request

    Sorry that I have not replied sooner Red. Hope everything goes well.  We're all pulling for you.  (thumbsup)
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    My topic has served it's original purpose. The black cow has been purchased.  Thanks to all of you for your input. 
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    A couple of updated pics from Oakbar

    I like them both Oakbar.  Especially the heifer, who is also out of that fantastic Myrtle Bow cow of yours.  (thumbsup) (thumbsup) You deserve two thumbs up for both animals.   
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    Cures for warts on calves

    I've always cut them off with scissors myself, however I must admit that I  have not heard of feeding them to the animal either.  Interesting.  I'll have to try that the next time one of them gets warts. 
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    Bloodstone / Lucky Charm Heifer

    I thought I remembered seeing a picture of her on here back when she was first born.  Look forward to seeing some updated pictures of her.  It'll be interesting to see how your and Shortdawg's full sisters compare. 
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    Anyone ever produced a Smokey Roan animal before?

    Cool pictures everyone! I would be curious to know if anyone has any pictures of a smoke necked (if this makes any sense)"Speckled" looking smokey roan. 
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    Remitall Polled Hereford Dispersal

    JIT, Is that the same outfit that produced the shorthorn bull, "Remitall Choice Mint" many years ago?
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    How common is White Heifer disease? I had a friend who had a white shorthorn heifer that would not breed a few years back. 
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    Rustynail, I don't blame you for my topic going bad, so no worries here.  You're fine.  ;D  Thanks, the black cow is the one I ended up purchasing.  SJ
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    Bloodstone / Lucky Charm Heifer

    Hey Doc, Don't you own a full sister to Shortdawg's Lucky Charm heifer? 
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    Smokey Bull

    Anyone got any links to these smoke colored animals or other bulls that produce smoke colored progeny?  I would like to see what they look like.  I'm wanting to produce a good smoky roan colored shorthorn plus calf.  Thanks
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    How PETA targets kids

    That's interesting, I honestly had no idea that there were horse chiropractors out there.  I guess I need to crawl out from underneath my!
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    canadian maine website

    Was just looking at the EPD/Animal Search feature on there and noticed that it's the same template (Search Feature) that the Australians use.  I remember the ASA used the same one for their EPD/Animal Inquiry up until a few years ago.  I kind of miss the old search feature. 