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  1. S

    How PETA targets kids

    You talking about Chiropractors or horses?  Or Chiropractors working on horses?  lol!
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    How PETA targets kids

    Sounds like it might be a common practice out there then. 
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    Bloodstone / Lucky Charm Heifer

    She's still young.  Just give her some time and let her mature. I believe she will turn out to be a super cow someday. 
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    How PETA targets kids

    I recently met someone who is a Vegan.  They asked me these two questions: 1)  Is it possible that you could still raise cattle without raising them for beef and just have them mainly for pets and enjoyment? 2)  Is it possible that you could still raise farm animals without using them for...
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    How PETA targets kids

    Back about 6 or 7 years ago, I remember hearing about this one couple who lived in Raleigh North Carolina, who had so much money that the wife would have her chiropractor come out to their horse farm to give their horses massages.  I don't know how true that story is however.   
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    Anyone ever produced a Smokey Roan animal before?

    I've read a lot on here about smoke colored calves, and was wondering if anyone on here has ever produced a smoke colored roan animal before. If so, would love to see the pictures.  Thanks, SJ
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    Shorthorn_Junkie has returned

    Hi Friend! I've missed ya.  Health wise I am fine, just have had a lot of personal issues going on in the past few months, however I am doing better these days.  Good hearing from you, and thanks for the comment.  SJ
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    HHFS Dream Weaver (Shorthorn Bull) Anyone know anything about him?

    Looked his pedigree up and noticed he also has a lot of Dual Breeding on his mother's side. I was able to trace "Scottshill Major Clark" at least 4 different times in his mother's pedigree.  That would probably explain why his progeny has such good udders.  I'm also sure the Deerpark Improver...
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    HHFS Dream Weaver (Shorthorn Bull) Anyone know anything about him?

    Does anyone know anything about him or ever used him?  All I know is that he is a son of Marellan Super Dazzler.  Thanks. SJ
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    Thanks for the input everyone. I have decided to go with the black one only. 
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    I have to agree with you Joe. I also felt like the ASA should've went after the Blue Roan market before they went after the Durham Reds. 
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    Shorthorn_Junkie has returned

    Thank you to everyone for the friendly "Welcome Back"! It's good to be back.  ;D
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    Thanks for the input. That was actually the first bull I had in mind. 
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    Big Foot Found in GA

    Star War's version of Big Foot
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    Shorthorn_Junkie has returned

    Hi Doc, Hope you've been dong well.  I'm getting ready to get some Angus influenced females to breed to a Shortie Bull.  You may have already seen the pictures by now in another post of mine. 
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    A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

    I have to agree with you on the black cow.  She is thicker and more solid looking that's for sure.  Although the cow, "Socks" is not as well refined as the solid black cow is, her spring of rib is what I liked about her the most. 
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    Big Foot Found in GA

    Even if it was real, I doubt if it would put the whole bigfoot thing to rest.  They would turn around and say more of his species is still out there, so the Bigfoot saga would probably continue on. 
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    Shorthorn_Junkie has returned

    Thanks Oakbar! It's good to be back.  (thumbsup)
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    Now that is nuts!  Sounds like a real stuck up and snobby community if you ask me.  I have a friend of mine who is a police officer up in Tennessee.  He said they got a call one time while he was on duty that was ridiculous.  This guy called and reported that his neighbor had a small tree...