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    Farm Sales

    Man, this is a sad subject, and I know someone who has had to deal with somewhat of a similar situation.  I know this one guy who is around my age who lives in North Carolina.  His name is Alan.  Alan has never owned a farm of his own, however he use to work for his neighbor who use to own...
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    CF Firestone

    Hey Oakbar. Point taken. I am still learning a lot about these types of things, so don't worry about your soap box.  You're fine.  :)
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    Problems at County Fair

    You're right.  It would be a problem.  I don't see a show like that ever happening in all honesty. 
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    CF Firestone

    I was just surfing some different Shorthorn Breeder links, and ran across this bull "CF Firestone".  He's out of one of the Queen Cows sired by Bloodstone.  I'm quiet impressed with this bull.
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    A little gun history

    Thanks for posting this Doc!  (thumbsup) I just copied, pasted, and sent this to several people. I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment. 
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    Problems at County Fair

    I heard another breeder say one time that he wished they would have a show, where they judged the animal based on performance. 
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    Passing of a great Shorthorn breeder

    Oh man, I have not been on here in a few days, and had no idea of Mr. Schrag's passing.  I am saddened to hear of this.  Does anyone know the cause of death?
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    Where are you from

    I live in Chatsworth, Georgia which is in Northern Georiga, around 20 miles south of Chattanooga, Tennessee.  I'm originally from Asheville, North Carolina, and have lived in Chatsworth for the past 5 years.  Don't have much of a large operation with only two cows, however I am hoping to...
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    Do cattle have sensitivity feelings?

    I had a cow that was lying around depressed for about a week, so I gave her some prozac and she was fine a couple of weeks later. April's Fool!!!!  ;D
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    JPJ calves

    Hi Shortdawg, Thanks for posting the pictures.  Your steer looks really nice.  He looks really thick and smooth.  I especially like his back end.  How well did he do in the show ring? SJ
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    Question about Lincoln Reds

    I must admit OH Breeder that I am not the brightest bulb in the hallway, and I kind of have a hard time understanding things on a scientific! Could you break it down in more simple terms for me?  ;D Thanks, SJ
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    Question about Lincoln Reds

    It would be interesting to see.  That's for sure.
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    JPJ calves

    Calving ease is always a good thing. :) I wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures of JPJ's progeny. 
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    Question about Lincoln Reds

    I have a question about Lincoln Reds.  I'm not real familiar with the breed, however aren't they like Homozygous Red Shorthorns?  I was also wondering if you bred a Lincoln Red Bull to a white shorthorn cow, would the progeny be solid red instead of roan? Thanks, SJ
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    opinions of a bull

    JIT, How would you say Northern Legend compares to his paternal grand sire, "Diamond Captain Mark 27C"?
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    JPJ calves

    I'm not real familiar with "Jake's Proud Jazz".  The only things that I know about him is that he has "TPS Coronet Leader 21st" in his pedigree.  I've also seen one picture of him.  I'm just curious to know what most people like about JPJ as I am wanting to know more about this bull.  I...
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    yearling heifer milking my bred heifer. What to do?

    That is exactly right.  Back when I had a bigger herd, I had the same thing happen.  As a result when my first time heifer (that another animal had been nursing) gave birth, we lost her first calf because she had no colostrum for her baby. Plus she had an infection in her udder.  It was...
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    Question about "WHR Sonny 8114" & "WHR Sonny Duece 3916"

    Hi OH Breeder, Is there a picture of "Epic" that is available online anywhere that you know of?
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    Having enough money left over to do other things

    Thanks for the input so far. I've got a "Non-Cattle" financial obligation that is going to be coming up over the next few years, and I'm trying to find some ways to do the thing that I enjoy the most (which is raising cattle) and have enough income left over from possibly selling embryos and...
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    YOUR Favorite Bull!!!

    Now that's longevity! Any plans of collecting him again anytime soon? 