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  1. S

    Question about Deerpark Imrpover 57

    I was wondering if you folks could tell me what genetics would work well with "Deerpark Improver 57"? Thanks.
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    I didn't know that.  Thanks for telling me. I had noticed that there are quiet a few other bulls that are not listed on there.  I didn't know if it was because those bulls had not been tested yet or not.
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    I don't think Octane is even listed on the ASA's current TH Status list.  I wasn't able to find him.  I had originally thought he was on there, and that he was clean. 
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    Justintime, I was just studying Strawberry's pedigree, and I was thinking since the Deerpark Leader line breeding has worked so well on this cow that it would be really neat if a person could get one more flush out of her by the old Leggs Bull or his full sib "WO High Octane". I think those...
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    Well at least there are still some left.    Glad to see that you are still breeding some "Full Irish" genetics also.  I personally would like to eventually help preserve the "Full Irish Shorthorn" Genetics myself.  Do you have any pictures of your full irish shorthorns?  I would love to...
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    I'm glad that you posted Strawberry's picture on here.  I have noticed her on your site in the past and I have referred many other people there to see Strawberry.  She is one of the best looking "Full Irish Cows" that I have ever seen.  She is even colored like her grandsire Dividend.  I...
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    Old Shorthorn Blood

    Those are excellent comments.  I fully agree with you Shortdawg.  (thumbsup)
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    Hi Doc, I have often wondered just how many full Irish cows are still here in the United States today.  Do you have any idea of how many are still out there?
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    Well Bob has done a fantastic job with the site!  (clapping) I have it bookmarked in my favorites as a matter of fact.   
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    Hi Justintime, My friend actually crossed the border up around Minnesota I believe. Yeah, your place does sound quiet huge to me.  Like your dog,  I also could run away on a place like yours and not even worry about coming home for 2 days myself.    I love large spreads like that.  I...
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    It's funny that you posted the link for "The Canada Shorthorn Genetics Mall".  I was getting ready to comment on how much I like the site. Thanks for the heads up.  It seems that great minds think alike eh?    (thumbsup)  
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    Hi Justintime, Just curious to know your thoughts on "Dividend's Impact".  He seemed to be a pretty good son of Dividend that produced some pretty good females.  I'd say he was probably the best son that was sired by Dividend, or at least the most popular one. 
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    Deerpark Leader 13th

    Just looked her up.  She has a pretty interesting pedigree which combines Irish Genetics on the bottom and some Maine influence on the top.  I like your choice of the bulls that you have flushed this cow to.  Especially the Sonny and Dividend matings.  (clapping) Should be pretty interesting. 
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    Hi itk, Thanks for the warm welcome.  :) It's good to be here among all of you good shorthorn folks, including other fine cattlemen of other different breeds. 
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    Not for sure where all my friend went to up there in Canada Justintime.  He and his dad went on a hunting and fishing trip back about 10 years ago, and I remember him talking about how green everything up that way was and there was a lot of mosquitos he told me.......LOL! From looking at the...
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    For those of us that think we have it rough

    It's just a reminder of how we take things for granted at times.  I know I do.  Thanks for sharing.
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    Thanks for the info Justintime. I just now noticed that you are the owner of those fabulous females.  I really wouldn't mind seeing pictures of the full sibs to your, "Elsie's Jade" cow.  I also like your bull, "Wolf Willow Major Leroy" that you were talking about.  He looks like a very...
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    Diamond Captain Mark 27C x

    I was looking at some of the bulls up in Canada, and stumbled across the bull "Diamond Captain Mark 27C x". I noticed that semen is available here in the US.  Is there anyone here in the states who has ever used him? I was also wondering what genetics does he seem to work on the best and what...
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    My First Calf is Here... w/ Pictures!

    Nice calf! Like the Momma Cow a lot also.  She's got lots of length and body depth.