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  1. Kailee TheKool

    Anyone else?

    Goodness! Smart little heifer, I guess?
  2. Kailee TheKool

    Anyone else?

    Oh, that would suck so bad!!
  3. Kailee TheKool

    Anyone else?

    Oof that sounds a little scary! Glad he came back on his own haha
  4. Kailee TheKool

    Lame Heifer

    Hi guys. My friend's heifer recently escaped the pen and ended up running six miles before we were able to catch her. We know she ran over piles of wood, rocks, roads, and rough land, and possibly piles of metal too. Yesterday we noticed she wouldn't put weight on her left hind foot when...
  5. Kailee TheKool

    Anyone else?

    So every year, our steers (and heifers when we have them) get out at least once. Sometimes it's an uneventful 'lead them back in' and other times, like today, it's a literal chase through the city involving police, local cowboys, and many other member of the community. Does anyone else's...
  6. Kailee TheKool

    Thoughts on this steer

    I'm interested in this steer, but I'm concerned about the length and angle of his neck. Is it good enough? Will it lengthen out or get shorter and thicker? Is there a way to encourage stretching and lengthening (assuming I get him)? Besides his neck, what are his other flaws and strong points...
  7. Kailee TheKool

    Picking your calf

    Hey everybody. As I'm starting to look for calves again, I'm curious: What traits do you look for in 6-9 month-old steers that show what they'll turn out as? What do you look for and avoid? How do you know how a calf is going to turn out? How much of a role do the genetics actually play in this...
  8. Kailee TheKool

    Showmanship questions

    Thank you for this, it was super decriptive! I didn't see this one before I left, but it'll be super helpful for next year (and maybe some jackpots before the next fair)
  9. Kailee TheKool

    Showmanship questions

    I managed to see this right before we left late at 5:15 lol It was VERY helpful, thank you so much for posting!! Of course this just happened to be the year when the judge didn't ask about it, when I actually studied questions before hand 🤦😂 Thank you a ton for the kind words!! I ended up...
  10. Kailee TheKool

    Showmanship questions

    What should I answer "tell me about your project" with? I had a really crappy answer last year but the competition was easy so I still won, but I have no clue what to say this year, idek what I did say last year. My show is on the morning of 8/9, so if there isn't an answer by the time I leave...
  11. Kailee TheKool


    Thank you!
  12. Kailee TheKool


    Hey, what are everyone's rinsing routines? What temperatures do you consider it safe to do in without a heater in the barn? Blow after or just comb?
  13. Kailee TheKool


    Hi, has anyone used the bull Rockstar? If so, how were his calves? Good maternal heifers, good show steer, etc? Also, kind of unrelated to the other questions, but what color is he? Is he a chimera or just a really weird one? Thanks in advance for any and all knowledge about him! Picture and...