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  1. F

    Favorite Christmas carols or holiday songs

    By far............. Leroy the Redneck Reindeer!!!!! :) :) :) :) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (cow)
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    i think that they both are both beautifully.  My friend showed a year old heifer last fall after the county fair and the judge didn't like her becuse she basically did have the body of a steer, but she was still a beautiful animal with a body fit for her (she was very unique).  Later on in...
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    simmental/polled hereford cross breeding

    thank you all for your comments.  He is breed my my dad and i at our farm. we are in the process of going from 120 head of cattle to 60 and when we do, we illthen start AI.  thanks again. Allie ;D
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    simmental/polled hereford cross breeding

    this is one of the cow calf pairs that i have, also semi/here
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    simmental/polled hereford cross breeding

    ok, a lot of people around my small town are always joking about my steers and heifers because neither breed [simmental or hereford] are really well known in cattle shows now adays, and they keep saying that they aren't worth anything, and the judge at the livestock show this spring said that my...
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    You Might be a REDNECK if........

    you walk all of your show cattle up and down the driveway on a daily bases
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    Steer Planet Photo contest-Post your pet pictures here!

    CAMO----the bottle baby goat.... 7wks old she is a handful