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  1. WT

    Heat Wave x Who da Man. . .

    Just curious if anyone has had any luck with these. I just looked at my tank inventory and I have way more Heat Wave semen than I thought. The girls have a handful of Who da Man cows that have the right pieces but I don't know anyone personally that has tried this mating.
  2. WT

    Flushing Carrier Cows

    BDR, Lovin' 620, Extra Special, Copper Penny. I've had good luck with these. Lautner has a double clean bull called Itty Bitty that I'm gonna try on a few carrier cows this year and we'll see how they turn out. Not sure what direction you're trying to go but don't discount some of the American...
  3. WT

    Need a bull brought South!!

    Does anyone have someone they'd recommend to haul a bull from Pawnee, OK toward the Houston/ Austin area? Sometime in the next week or two would be great.
  4. WT

    Carter Airhart-Airhart Show Cattle?

    On top of what's already been said, I'll add that I've had good dealings with them all the way around. Bought a few and sold a few without any issues at all. Call one of them up and they can compare those bulls for you.
  5. WT

    Maternal bull from list

    Where are you located Bolt?
  6. WT

    **opinions wanted**

    Gotcha. I couldn't edit fast enough lol.
  7. WT

    **opinions wanted**

    Not bad at all. We have a couple that are very similar. He just needs time and feed. Where's he going? Looks like he'd be a good candidate for a springtime county fair or Houston.
  8. WT

    American Royal Steer Show

    I'm no help but I love the attitude. I can't tell you how many times we've gone to a show knowing we were going to get our butt kicked and had a blast! Good luck in KC!!
  9. WT

    Supplements that you swear by?

    The only thing that every steer in the barn gets is Sure Champ. We use a handful of different supplements depending on the animal but that's our go-to for every one of them.
  10. WT

    Old Dogs and New Tricks.....Facebook

    If you're serious about a strong social media presence, get in touch with Taylor Gazda at Ranch House Designs.
  11. WT

    Need help in how to classify this guy

    That's the order I'd go with.
  12. WT

    Need help in how to classify this guy

    Right on the money..... I'd run him Simmi if you class yourself or Maine if they're doing it. That's the beauty (or curse for some folks) of showing here. You can have a great steer and run him in several breeds until you find the one where he is the most successful.
  13. WT

    More advice please....

    Cruise Control halter. We've been using them for awhile and they flat out work.
  14. WT

    Spring Borm Calf

    He's a dandy! I have a couple of 620 babies and they're shaping up real nice!
  15. WT

    Feed Help please

    Assuming a show date of February 15th and a show weight of 1,100#, you have 171 days to gain 370#. That's less than 2.2#/ day. Unless he's absolutely not converting, I'd say you're right on track. Has he had a dewormer? What about a probiotic? Good quality hay? Just guessing since there are...
  16. WT

    Heifer Bloating

    Therabloat has worked great for us
  17. WT

    Ft Worth steer show

    Absolutely no way I could've said it better. He was just in too deep and a lot of great cattle got overlooked. I assume you're talking about the Himes shorthorn? Not sure how the calf placed but he was head and shoulders above the rest and I'd agree that he's the best I've seen. Ever. I'll try...
  18. WT

    How much cedar fiber?

    Thanks a bunch. These are 1.5 cf so it's gonna take a little more than I planned. Might be worth a shot if I can figure out a way to keep the dust down during the day.
  19. WT

    How much cedar fiber?

    Our stalls are 12x24 and I was thinking about putting cedar fiber down in the front half. How many bags for a 12x12 stall?