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  1. WT

    How much is too much?

    I agree. When I NEED one to get upwards of 3#/day, he hangs around 1.8 and vice-versa lol. We have a steer that, according to the breeder, would be a late bloomer and would likely be pretty strong as a lightweight at our county fair in April. Well, here we are about 100 days out and he hit a...
  2. WT

    How much is too much?

    That's my favorite part. Both of my little girls put in the time it takes to be competitive in the showring but the oldest really enjoys the "game" of feeding one. That oughta do it!!!
  3. WT

    How much is too much?

    Forgot about the hay and that's a great point. The big steer is getting 2# of plain old grass hay every evening. It takes a little longer and the girls hate doing it but it gets weighed out every single time lol. He's been my guinea pig this year. I really think today's feed mixes have enough...
  4. WT

    How much is too much?

    At what point (%), do you think feed is converted the most efficiently? I understand the old rule of thumb that 2.5- 3% of the animals weight is what's considered "right", but are there really folks feeding 1250# steers 37# of feed per day? How much of that is not being converted? I only ask...
  5. WT

    Cattle don't

    I'm getting ready to make my rounds before church and I'll see how mine are taking it. It was 81 yesterday at 2:50pm and right now it's exactly 30 degrees with a 22mph wind lol. We're down south of Houston by about 50 miles.
  6. WT

    first class female sale

    Is there a way to view the cattle that were sold?
  7. WT

    What would you do?

    I'm going through the same thing right now. I bought a heifer back in May that is a June 2015 with intentions of breeding her in January. Fast forward roughly 6 months to this past Saturday evening. I penned a group of heifers that needed to be palpated and she was in with them. I figured, what...
  8. WT

    Steer getting taller, but not filling out.

    That's a little better picture. He looks good to me and I'd bet he's going to take off when he hits about 950 or so. He just needs a little time is all
  9. WT

    Steer getting taller, but not filling out.

    I'm fighting the exact opposite right now. We have a 13 month old steer that has grown just about an inch taller since early June but has gained nearly 300#. Short and fat. I'd like to give you some advice but I'm obviously doing something wrong lol
  10. WT

    A good read on birth weights

    Pretty good read. Just had my first Size Matters calf and she was 39#. I knew they were supposed to come a little smaller but I'm a little disappointed.
  11. WT

    I know this is a recurring question but need tips on weight

    With 51 days to go, they need to be at 3.3 & 3.7. I don't think it's unrealistic but hopefully someone a little more knowledgeable will chime in. I'm fighting just the opposite. Steers are gaining right at 3.8 with 150 days to go lol.
  12. WT

    Word Association Game

  13. WT

    I know this is a recurring question but need tips on weight

    Do you know their current daily gain? I would assume you're not, but are you holding them at all?
  14. WT

    LubriSyn vs. Others

    I'm a firm believer in LubriSyn. I use it at the first hint of any stiffness or popping but it's been awhile since I've looked into any other joint supplements. Can anyone give solid reviews on Replamin or Keep'um Sound? Anything else? LS has been working and I don't know that I'll change it but...
  15. WT

    Implant help

    That makes me feel a little better. Appreciate it
  16. WT

    Implant help

  17. WT

    Implant help

    It's been a long time since I've implanted any steers and I have a quick question. I'm out of town working and my wife took all of the show steers to the Vet today for various things. I asked her to ask the Vet his opinion on implanting them in the future. At some point, there was some...
  18. WT

    Steer needs weight!!

    What part of SE Tx? It's always nice to see other folks in this area.
  19. WT

    Help me pick a bull

    And the list grows lol. Appreciate it guys. I'll sit down this evening and check out the rest of them. On my commercial heifers I try to breed them at about 15 months but I think I'm going to let her get to about 20 or so. Any benefits or drawbacks to that? Just shooting for a Sep/Oct calf.