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  1. O

    Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available.

    That's what this website should be for.  Getting useful information to help us reach the goals we want to reach.  More power to you.  I used to raise hogs, too.  We had a rotation of Hamps, Yorks, and Durocs.  Seemed to work pretty good with the long ago traits of each complimenting the other. ...
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    Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available.

    Yet another example of why so many people have quit participating on SP, as if we needed another one.  A guy asks a simple question, several of us offered our opinions that we were asked for, and the thread turns into a pissing match.  It's no wonder it's hard to sell Shorthorns.  According to...
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    Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available.

    The bulls I have used that sired a lot of real, natural muscling, not just fluffed up hair, were Suds, Maxwell, Data Bank (3/4 blood, purebred Maine), and a 7/8 bull I raised sired by Etula (FB Maine).  He was something like 7/8 Shorthorn and 5/8 Maine.  His dam was a granddaughter of Dollar II...
  4. O

    I really don't need the abuse but I am going to do it anyway

    Maybe I should have checked the ASA website first, but so far my memory has been pretty good.  In case you're interested, HC Tracer has a - 5.0 BEPD with over 200 calves recorded sired by him.  He is still shown as active at over 11 years of age, though only 1 2018 calf was registered by him. ...
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    I really don't need the abuse but I am going to do it anyway

    You might talk to Bob Miller.  Millvale Farms has been in business a long, long, time.  He used (may still be using) a bull called HC Tracer, I believe.  Bob used him for years, swears he's an easy calver.  Check out the past sale catalogs of the Minnesota State Shorthorn Sale.  There's been a...
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    Galbreath and Shady Maple Farms Bull Sale

    Several good bulls.  The ones with the more modern genetics appeal to me more than the ones sired by the old bulls.  Every one sees them differently, though. 
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    I really don't need the abuse but I am going to do it anyway

    What is there not to like about that bull?  He may be stained, but he's cleaner than any of my bulls right now!
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    Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C

    It's on the ASA website and some of it was in the January issue of Shorthorn Country.  I'll have to see if my daughter can help me post it.  Several breeds were tested for numerous traits including ADG, yield grade, backfat, quality grade, etc.  I'll let you judge the results for yourself, but...
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    Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C

    Judging from the results of the recently released MARC data, maybe the cattle industry should listen a little to what the Shorthorn breed has to say.  I certainly hope this data is well publicized. 
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    Genetic defects

    We all should be using those bulls.  They are certainly "wedge shaped."
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    Fu Man Chu is dead

    That's a pretty good one!
  12. O

    eat less beef?

    You would have to watch the two programs I cited to get the reasoning behind the coming ice age.  I don't believe there was any mention of melting ice caps.  I am not arguing about global warming.  I just have a hard time listening to so called experts telling me what to do as they ride their...
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    eat less beef?

    All I will say about global warming is Google Walter Cronkite/Ice Age or In Search of Coming Ice age.  These actual television spots from the early 70's predict an imminent ice age, there's nothing we can do about it.  There is "scientific" research cited on the programs to verify this.  I...
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    eat less beef?

    Last night as I was flipping through channels I came across an IPTV airing of a BBC newscast.  The tease was a video of Holsteins with Global Warming across the screen.  After some ridiculous commercial, the bit came on.  Another scientific study regarding a cow's bad gas has revealed that...
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    dividend semen/embryo's available

    I believe all the full Irish embryos are potential TH carriers, at least, with Improver in there.  Of course, 57th was a carrier.  Isn't Gizmo a DS carrier?  I thought there would be more older Shorthorn semen. 
  16. O

    Home raised herd bulls

    General is just a notch smaller framed and deeper ribbed than his sire.  The Zulu daughters I have are great mother cows.  There are 3 spring bull calves by General that I would be happy using myself as herd bulls.  General does have a little more sheath than I would like, but he's very...
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    Home raised herd bulls

    The bull in the tall grass is Oakview General, a son of Diamond Zulu 3Z r.  The spring calves sired by him are truly outstanding.  The roan bull in the lot is Oakview Leader 9-18, a grandson of Leader 9th and Deerpark Leader 18th.  He is most likely the most consistently easy calving bull we've...
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    bull sales

    According to Jorgenson's website, they lease 3,500 yearlings and two year olds and sell them as 3 year olds. 
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    bull sales

    According to the Midwest Beef Producer September, 2018, issue, 33.13% of the 56,840 bull sales reported were sold by 10 producers.  48.141% of the bulls were sold by the top 20 producers.  Jorgenson Land and Cattle sold 7.013% of the bulls.  I guess the rest of us are pretty much inconsequential. 
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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    We have had various sire testing programs over the years.  I participated in one in the 70's through the ASA and Padlock Ranch.  Every bit of data available was collected on progeny of maybe 20 bulls or more for several years.  I doubt if any of that data has been included in the current...