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    2 things I shall miss....not

    Dasani...cancelled  Nestea...cancelled  Simply Orange...cancelled  One loyal customer gone.  I will continue to play golf, though.
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    2 things I shall miss....not

    Baseball and Coca Cola
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    There were lots of excellent dual purpose type Shorthorns around in the 70's and 80's.  Seemed like they were concentrated in, but not limited to, the midwest states and Canada.  Most of those breeders are either gone or their cattle were snapped up and incorporated into other genetics.  There...
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    Both were Milking Shorthorn herds of some repute.  A Mar-Vel bred cow produced Deer Trail Dynamite 80, in my opinion one of the better Deerpark Leader 13th sons.  Obviously some Haumont breeding in the background. 
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    Proposed Colorado livestock legislation

    Everyone better check out the proposed Protect Animals From Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation legislation in Colorado.  Among other things, it will prevent the slaughter of animals until they have reached a certain percentage of their expected life span.  According to the bill, the expected...
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    synthetic beef

    I listened to Bill Gates, an obvious agriculture and science expert, proclaim that we should consume nothing but synthetic beef.  It tastes different, he proclaimed, but you'll get used to it.  Reminds me of the old poster "Eat crap.  10 zillion flies can't be wrong."  How does the industry...
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    New Herdsire

    In my 60 years of cattle experience, the one recurring theme has been performance.  The AI stud books from the late 60's pushed performance, breed associations pushed performance, cattle shows and sales have pushed performance.  The oldest ABS bull catalog I have, over 50 years old, graphically...
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    Iowa Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale

    I was told all but a few of the cattle sold.  I was told last night that quite a few Angus did not.  At least some consignors didn't enter cattle in the Expos because they thought it might be cancelled due to Covid.  The on line has the advantage that it reduces some of the astronomical sale...
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    Looking for old Angus and Simmental semen

    I've got a friend that has some old foundation Simmental semen if you're interested.
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    I've got an old AI catalog with an MRI bull or 2 in it.  The photo I remember was of a bull with a lot of white on him.  They seemed similar to the old Maines if I remember correctly.  Off the subject a little, but I was just given a complete set of 1955 Milking Shorthorn Journals.  It sure is...
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    Heritage/Native Shorthorn Bull Listing

    I did not say Romeo, "Too Tall", Fortune, or any other Weston bull was a belt buckle creature.  I just pointed out that the ancestry of many of those animals contained almost completely very small framed animals.  You would be hard pressed to find a photo of one that was not.  We used a son of...
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    Heritage/Native Shorthorn Bull Listing

    I always liked that photo of Romeo.  However, the dam's side of the pedigree would be belt buckle cattle at best.  Leader 21's background, though he may have been somewhat an outlier himself, was the same. 
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    Found the photo of FA Warrior 41st I was thinking about on the HSS website.  I should have known to look there first.  Muscle, muscle, muscle, almost Belgian Blue like.
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    Frosty Acres pretty much did their own thing back in the day.  The way I understand it, pretty commercial oriented.  The Surprise cattle never really took off, perhaps because the Leader line dominated so much and then the duals hit.  I have little or no experience with the Frosty acres cattle. ...
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    Golden Opportunity sale catalog (Rodak, Weston, and Dauland) is in the October, 1979 issue of Shorthorn Country.  Email?  I can send the whole thing if you want it.  Remember there weren't as many photos back then, but there are a few Rodak heifer calves and several Weston bred cows.  I would...
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    Lots of photos in my Shorthorn magazines.  He used some Weston bulls and at one time owned Deerpark Leader 18th.  The only actual photo of Leader 18th I've seen is where he has his head down in the grass.  I do like the Leader 18th females in my herd, wish I had more of them.  Wollesons in Iowa...
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    Keeping those ears fluffy

    You're right.  Nothing sets off a show calf more than hairy ears.  I wonder why the barber keeps trimming mine.
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    Biss element 79 what ever happened

    World's full of good looking bulls that don't work and not so good looking bulls that work.  I would prefer to hear about what works well in other folks' herds and why they like it instead of negative comments about something they haven't tried.  I did not use Element, but that doesn't mean I...
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    Biss element 79 what ever happened

    Nice to hear from someone who actually used the bull and has first hand experience. 
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    Herd Bull Pictures

    Two home raised herd bulls pulled in from pasture last week.  Oakview Lawrence and Oakview Legend. 