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    Pink Eye

    We used to use LA200, but it doesn't seem to be as effective anymore.  The best remedy is fly control.  I've used the IGR lick tanks the past 2 years and pink eye problems have been next to non-existent.  In smaller pens I use the bagged granular or blocks. 
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    Upcoming online sale on SmartAuctions

    I saw the Firestorms in Louisville last fall and was absolutely impressed.  Great cattle.  BWs on those lines of cattle in my herd have been manageable, not ever a problem with cows. 
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    I purchased shares in Red Value, Propel, and Red Power, but have only used 1 straw so far.  Three tanks crammed full, so many bulls I want to use.  I have had several calves out of the Red Reward grandson I purchased.  The heifer calves have all been in the mid 60's to mid 70's.  I had 2 bulls...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Thanks for the info.  I used a little of the Red Reward line on the cows we use to raise the grand kids show heifers.  The calves are very eye appealing, we'll probably keep a couple of them for cows.  Keep us posted on the Saskvalley bulls out west.  They were my favorites in the sale. 
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    What's everyone's experience with the Red Reward lines as far as performance? How about as mother cows? 
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    ?  Always refreshing to read the comments of someone with all the answers, especially someone with so much more knowledge of my herd than I have.  If you want to waste your time and do the research, you'll find that of the nearly 60 breeding age females in my pasture, very few of them have Trump...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    My Jazz cattle absolutely could not perform with anything else I had.  Then there's the DS thing.  The white Jazz son I bought from Dean Fieser was the best Jazz son I ever saw.  After several offspring with deformed feet, he was gone. 
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    Prayers for all those who were in the wake or aftermath of storms-Iowa Nebr Ill

    Tree through the roof of our house, building collapsed, wires down, crops totaled for miles, untold number of metal sheets of all sizes everywhere.  My daughter in Cedar Rapids lost the west 1/4 of her roof, neighbor across the street lost her entire roof that flew through the west side of...
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    cattle and young legs

    In spite of the virus and now the mega destructive storm that hit most of us Iowans so hard, it's nice when something good happens.  Last week my twin grandsons called me at work and told me there was a cow in the pasture down at the corner, about 1/4 mile from the house, that had just had a set...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    From the description of what you want, I would second the motion of Rawhide.
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Use of these bulls, and any others, depends on what you have for cows and what you want in your herd.  In my opinion, Raw Hide would add depth and fleshing ability.  If you wanted a little more show ring style, perhaps the Hot Commodity son would do the job.  I've seen some pretty decent Marquis...
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    Herd Bull Pictures

    If you're referring to Footprint, I'm more than ecstatic with him.  His video really sold me on him.  Pretty much faultless.  Might be some good calves out of my Diamond Zulu daughters. 
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    Herd Bull Pictures

    The good old Maine-Irish cross.  Worked well for a lot of years.
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    Milk EPD

    VERY nice group of cows and calves.  What's their breeding?  My cows and calves do the same thing.  Shorthorn cows must be part of the nationwide share and share alike movement. 
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    If all state fairs get cancelled....could other Shorthorn shows be started?

    I read that the Nebraska State Fair is holding open shows, entry fee is $100 with no premium.  I think Missouri is not paying any premium money, either, though the entry fee is lower.  Do you know if Kansas is offering premium money?  Not that there's any money in showing cattle anyway.
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    If all state fairs get cancelled....could other Shorthorn shows be started?

    I suggested a state show to several folks the day the Iowa State Fair was cancelled, but I haven't heard anything yet.  Our County Fair is holding a 1 day show and go event with only immediate family members allowed to attend.  Talking to old and new friends is most common for most of us old...
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    Arsulu Maxwell

    I saw him as a calf and liked him along with his Irish-Maine genetics.  We had several calves and they were pretty good.  He was not what I would call an easy calver, but no extreme difficulties either.
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    Happy Canada Day.

    I for one enjoy reading people's opinions on this site on topics other than cattle.  If a specific thread does not interest me, I just don't read it.  Cattle do not occupy 100% of my time or thinking.  Like it or not, the political arena plays a vital role in our cattle operations.  Up until the...
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    Happy Canada Day.

    I was wondering if Canada has any statues and if so, are they still standing?  Did Canada have any noteworthy folks with statues that have been now deemed imperfect?  Did they call out the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to guard the statues on Canada Day or are they just relying on a community...
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    Weston Ready Go

    I would bet money there's no Lincoln Red in Ready Go.  There's none in his listed pedigree, either.  Too bad Bill Marsden isn't around any more.  He could tell you all about him. 