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    Weston Ready Go

    Weston Ready Go or just plain Ready Go?  There is some Ready Go semen out there, but's it's going to be hard to find and even more difficult to purchase I would imagine.
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    Iowa State Fair

    Just heard the Iowa State Fair has been cancelled.  Over 50 years in a row showing there, never dreamt it would end this way. 
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    optimum cow size

    A frequently discussed, and sometimes heated debate on this site is optimum cow size.  Check out the 5-23-20 issue of Iowa Farmer Today for an interesting piece on the subject.  According to Kansas State Research and Extension beef specialist Bob Weaber, "Our results showed that in eastern...
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    Any thoughts on cattle shows being held this summer?

    It has been more of a delight than I can tell you to have the grand kids home the past few months.  They absolutely love to be around the cattle, they remind me of myself when I was a kid.  They can tell you anything you want to know and are taking a real interest in planning this spring's...
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    Any thoughts on cattle shows being held this summer?

    Regarding the Iowa State Fair, I kind of got the impression that if a limited opening is not profitable for the Iowa State Fair, then it probably won't happen.  In the words of one fair board member, "We make no money south of Grand Avenue."  Meaning the grandstand and midway pay the bills, not...
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    Any thoughts on cattle shows being held this summer?

    Iowa State Fair board secretary was interviewed on the radio yesterday afternoon.  From what I could gather, nothing has been decided for sure, but if the fair is held, there will be some adaptations.  What they might be, I don't know. 
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    Any thoughts on cattle shows being held this summer?

    If low numbers in a show deserve an *, then there should have been one on many of the shows for the past 10-20 years.  Pick up the old magazines and scan the various state fair show reports.  For most of them, numbers don't come close to comparing to what there used to be.  I would think the...
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    Any thoughts on cattle shows being held this summer?

    I know of at least one county fair in Iowa that has been cancelled.  I believe there will be more.  A lot of it depends on the success/failure of the gradual reopening in the state.  Junior Shorthorn Nationals are still on as of yesterday.  We've shown at the state fair 50+ years in a row and...
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    Got Milk?

    You are correct, most Shorthorn cows are good milkers, docile, and generally good mother cows.  Some do milk themselves into a bag of bones compared to the old Hereford cows that starved their calves, but stayed in good shape themselves.  I think where some Shorthorn breeders ran into trouble...
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    Got Milk?

    We used the Leader line 50 years ago and generally found them to be less than average milkers.  I have again used some Leader 9th genetics over the past 6 or 7 years and found them to be adequate in milk production, most likely due to the Muridale dam of the Leader 9th son I used.  Judging by...
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    True " Ground Sow"

    20 years later an Angus heifer that age would have weighed over a ton.  Interesting what a little genetic engineering can do.  We didn't do quite as good as that heifer from the 60's.  We just couldn't get them that small. 
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    Let's see some new calves!

    I heard there is quite a market for acrobatic calves that can flip like that.  It's nice to see someone else has "computer issues" besides me.
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    Let's see some new calves!

    I feel better already!  Questions for Heritage:  Super Flag qualifies as Heritage?
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    Let's see some new calves!

    We can't leave the house, can't see anybody.  Glad we can look forward to seeing the new calves every day.  Here's a few of our new borns (one is a couple of months old).  The grandkids took these earlier today.  Good, bad, red, black, blue, or pink.  Cheer us up and post a few photos. 
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    Thoughts on this guy

    He's a little different than what we typically see in Iowa, but he looks like he has all the basics you could want.  Good top line, adequate muscling, appears to be sound on his feet and legs, long bodied enough.  Looks plenty attractive enough to me for that arena. 
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    Wish list

    Since we're all house bound, forced to watch the political morons on TV, I can't help but think of the 3 items I would like to wish for our government.  1-Term limits.  You are allowed to serve a maximum of 2 terms of 4 years each.  From President to dog catcher.  After your terms expire, you...
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    What do you think of this bull?

    Side question:  Any idea if and when bulls might be able to come to the States with the border closing?  Perhaps delivering a bull to Iowa is considered essential?
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    What do you think of this bull?

    Lots of good things.  Needs a better top line and fixed around the tailhead, better fronted to fit the show steer deal around here.  Looks like a decent choice for some good feeders, though. 
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    Coronet Max Leader

    If you look back into the Weston pedigrees, you will find about the same Scotch type breeding just about all of us were using at that time.  Leader 21 came in and was followed by some other larger type beef bulls.  Later on there was quite a bit of dual influence.  These were generally the deep...
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    Do you check to see if new bull prospects have 50K or Genetice Testing?

    TH, PHA, and DS carriers are out.  Period.  If there's a carrier in the background and the animal in question has not been tested, I stay completely away.  50K is a set of information I don't have a lot of confidence in at this time.  Great to gather the information, though.