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  1. O

    Heritage/Native Shorthorn Bull Listing

    The Heritage registry is completely separate from ASA?  Cattle could be registered in both?  Would there be a way the ASA could denote Heritage cattle on an ASA certificate similar to what they did with the Milking Shorthorns and Maines in the past?  Would there be some benefit to working...
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    You're right.  The breed associations just keep track of what people send them.  Hopefully, the DNA testing will help keep things "straight."  A question for some of you Angus folks, didn't Weaver Angus Farm's bull named Sport have his paper's pulled in the 70's for the mulefoot defect? 
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    When fullblood Maines were accepted into the ASA herdbook as 3/4 bloods, the general consensus was they were above 75% in Shorthorn blood.  Native French cattle crossed with Shorthorns was what I read.  I doubt if an Angus would come anywhere close to 3/4 Shorthorn.  Judging from the 80's, there...
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    The original fullblood Maine bulls excel in performance, muscling, and bone compared to the Red Advantage line cattle, in my opinion.  I purchased shares in Red Savior, Red Power, and Propel and also have a grandson of Red Reward I've been using.  The Red Advantage line calves would be smaller...
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    I have had good luck with Cunia, Dollar II, Etula, Epinal, Capone, Covino III, and DJ Data Bank.  I haven't used any of them for years, but may dig them out of the tank again someday.  The calves sired by them may not be pencil necked enough to win big time heifer shows.
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    Feasibility of Collecting My Own Bull

    If I had a dime for every time I heard someone say "I wish I had collected that bull" I wouldn't be rich, but I'd sure have a lot more money than I have now.  The second most frequent comment I hear is "I sure wish I hadn't thrown out all that old semen."  I guess there's a thin line between...
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    Quick question-was MR Tri Cando a usefull bull?

    I had great luck with Dollar II 30 years ago when it became "legal" to use Fullblood Maines on Shorthorns.  The Roseleafs in my herd are still the most numerous and productive and all go back to a Dollar II sired cow I raised.  If I was younger and had more energy I'd use it today along with...
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    Maine Anjou Cattle

    That's a pretty broad statement.  in some instances it could be true, but certainly not all.  I have heard people say that today's Angus is nothing more than a combination of Angus, Maine Anjou, Limousin, Holstein, and/or Chianina.  Another broad statement that in some instances may or may not...
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    Draft Pick's calves were absolutely not large at birth, just average for us.  I don't remember helping any of them.  Trampas was used very successfully on heifers.  One of the reasons I liked him, other than he was a very good bull, was his Una family dam.  Lazy D Deerpark Una was a full sister...
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    Interesting Pretender is brought up now.  I picked out a bull calf from Dale when he was a calf.  I opted for MTS Draft Pick instead, don't know if Dale would have priced Pretender to me anyway.  I wasn't really interested in him.  I will say he is a unique blend of genetics.  I did have a few...
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    Here's some "scientific" information for you.  In my younger days I AIed to about every bull imaginable.  From Leader 21 to Clark to Cunia to Double Stuff to Leader 18th and everything in between.  The only one that had a noticeable, and I mean noticeable, positive influence on performance, both...
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    When I participated in the ASA sire test in the late 70's, we sent 50 units of semen to be used in the Padlock Ranch herd, I believe in Wyoming.  The cow/heifer herd was black white face.  The steers were evaluated at weaning and sent to a commercial feedlot near Brule, Nebraska.  All...
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    Price point for Bulls in the United States

    The minimum sales price at a sale I am familiar with was 1,800 last spring, for most of the breeds represented.  Numerous bulls of many breeds did not sell.  Throw in the thousands of "breeding bulls" that sell every year at special sale barn auctions and the average would drop significantly. 
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    18 vs 24 months old steers?

    In my opinion, to reduce frame size a lot of performance has been lost.  Maybe it just takes longer to get one to the desired weight you want to hold.  I don't like to feed steers that take 18 months to reach market weight, let alone 24.  I understand, though, that very little reality exists in...
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    How to judge a shorthorn plus class?

    Other than national shows, I doubt if the ASA has much or any say in who judges shows.  Breeders, college types, and show folks are usually the judges.  They will pick what they like, all other things being equal.  Sometimes they pick what I like, sometimes not.  Some like them a little shorter...
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    Cheap corn

    A little cheap corn in the ration can help soften the extremely high hay prices we have here.  $7 corn doesn't work that well, but $3 corn pencils out a little better when reasonably decent hay costs in excess of $100/bale.
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    Iowa State Fair- Beer Garden/Place to Relax.

    Stockman's.  I don't like beer, but it's not too loud and boisterous.
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    Soundness of bulls

    Most of the show cattle I see anymore do not walk, they waddle.  They are so fat and over conditioned they jiggle, yet the judges continue to compliment them on their freedom of movement.?  There's a reason so many show cattle feed additives are used that "encourage free movement."   
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    Mature bulls

    The Aldens could tell you how and when Improver and Dividend were put in the ASA herd book.
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    county fair

    I guess my main point was the 1700+ pound heifer that won the show.  She also won the showback this weekend that included the champion females from I believe 8 neighboring county fairs.  I know many on this site promote much more moderate females.  We sure don't see them at the top of the shows...