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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    Duke of Dulbin's EPDs are unavailable on the ASA website.  I had heard his daughters weren't the best milkers.  Is that true?  How about birth EPD?  I see Fastrak is almost + 8 for BEPD.  I had a couple Duke calves years ago that were pretty good.  KaDel Urice sold a few bull calves at the Iowa...
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    1107 lb. weaning weight

    I'm surprised I haven't seen any comments on SAV America, the Angus bull that set a new record with a 1,107 pound 205 day weaning weight.  85 lb. birth weight to 1,107 at 205 days is quite impressive.  I would imagine he weaned at over 1/2 his dam's weight!
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    I hate to tell you this, but you and I are never going to win big time shows, + or otherwise.  I don't care if we use a pink and blue bull.  Mission seemed to do a good job for Don, might be a little big for some operations.  We're both old enough to do what we want and who cares?
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    I don't know as if Mission has sired many show winners. 
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    To the person that "Karmad" me that Solution and hc aren't red, I read AJ's thread title as saying pretty much all red bull that sired show winners.  If Solution isn't pretty much red, I must be thinking of a different one than you.  Who is hc?
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    I guess you could add CF Solution to the list!  He's sired a few, including Red Knight.  They say that what goes around comes around.  I hope Ayatollah never falls into that category.  Ugliest bull in the history of display bulls at Denver. 
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    Rodeo Drive, Bapton Constructor (most noted bull of his era), several of his sons including Louada Aristocrat, Kenmar Ransom 32Z (sire of G-9 and several others), Carona Fascination, lots of them.  These are only a few I thought of in about 30 seconds. 
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    One of my favorite ways to spend some free time is to look through some of the 60+ years worth of various livestock magazines I have.  It is absolutely mind boggling to see the changes in types, both livestock and people, over the years.  Since this seems to be a somewhat show oriented site, I...
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    Ridge Runner was indeed 100% dual purpose, Milking Shorthorn if you will.  He was a pretty good bull in his day, as were so many other bulls at every end of the spectrum in every era.  There will probably come a day when he's "good" again.  Believe it or not, there was a time when Leader 21 was...
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    In my 55 years of showing cattle, I would bet at least 90% of the judges I've shown under were college folks.  Nothing wrong with that, it's just the way it was.  I was on the ISU livestock judging team until my wife made me retire after we were gone for over 2 weeks on a judging trip.  You...
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    You need to remember who it was that told us those "Greg" type cattle were good.  The educated, smarter than us, college professors.  These were the same folks that told us we needed belt buckle cattle 20 years before.  Every calf in the late 70's and 80's needed to look like Friggio.  Every...
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    That is one interesting mixture of bulls.  I am somewhat familiar with all of them except Red Max Prince.  Most of them were decent bulls in their day, don't know if that day is today, though.
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    Muridale Raw Hide 6 E

    I believe the bulls were originally purchased with the intent on selling semen since the buyer had few if any cows.  Sometimes things don't work out as planned.
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    2019 spring calf birth weights

    If the rest of Iowa is like me, it's been difficult to keep any condition on the cows.  Cold for this long takes a toll.  On cattle and humans.  Thank goodness we're supposed to get freezing rain this weekend.  Nothing like ice on top of snow on top of ice on top of snow.  I'm pretty much...
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    CF Trump Semen

    Don't be shy about talking to those folks, either.  The Cates' and Bill Razor have very nice to me over the years and very willing to help. 
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    CF Trump Semen

    I assume since you are inquiring about Trump and Sonny you are focusing on the show side of things.  All I can say is check with WHR, Cates, and about any one else who has been successful showing cattle in the past decade or more and see how the Sonny-Trump lines work. 
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    Direct marketing of Shorthorn beef

    I met a gentleman a few years ago from east central Iowa that has developed a fairly good sized successful direct marketing Shorthorn beef program.  He has included organic beef as well.  I have long felt our breed has huge potential in this area.  I called Shorthorn Country and the ASA well...
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    Proof the show ring is still screwing things up.

    I would say the judges are more to blame than the show itself although you could argue that if there were no shows, there would be no judges.  People like to win and they're going to breed and show what they think will have the best chance to win.  The judges set the standard and we respond to...
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    List of triple clean Shorthorn bulls

    The ds thing ins't a big deal.....unless you've had it.  2 of the first 3 calves sired by my Proud Jazz son were deformed, 1 seriously.  The bull was immediately hauled to the sale barn.  Talk about losing money on an investment!  The two "misfits" were out of my friend's cows and I don't know...
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    Pa Do Suds

    The Suds calves I had were very good.  The females made good cows.  According to his pedigree, 5th Avenue would have had no more influence that Cunia.  Hollywood Ave. was one of my favorite bulls of his day.  I would use him today if I had semen.  I do have some on Houston that I've got to try...