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  1. hevmando

    Good as Gold

    Anybody ever use or see calves out of Good as Gold?  He looks like he should be the real deal but don't see or hear anything about him.  A search on here has nothing after he was out at Denver as a yearling.  Maybe that answers my question?
  2. hevmando

    What is the best "clean" shorthorn bull?

    Would Uncle work on a Rumor Mill x Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow that needs a smoother shoulder and could be leveler from hooks to pins?  She has had a calf by HXC Conquest (red angus), Hi Ho Silver, and TR Mr Diablo et that have all been good calves.  Hi Hi is coolest but a the Diablo may end up...
  3. hevmando

    Opinions on our commercial Heinz 57 heifer

    HB is not just giving a sales pitch on Moto Moto.  We had our first calf by him a month ago.  Came easy, hairy, and definitely stouter than mama.  Would recommend him.  Will try to post a pic.
  4. hevmando

    Hi Ho Silver Calves

    I just posted one for sale in the classified with a picture and video fwiw.
  5. hevmando

    vaginal tear

    Had a 3 year old give birth to the biggest bull calf we have ever had in mid march., did not weigh it at birth but was 110# plus, blocky, Hi Ho Silver calf out of a Rumor Mill X Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow.  About 2 weeks after calving, noticed white puss discharge from vulva.  Treated her for...
  6. hevmando

    Best way to get rid of lice??

    Ivermectin injectable or oral.  Or poultry dust
  7. hevmando

    "Cowboy" has been in a bad wreck

    RW I know you and everyone is busy with sale season, but any update on this or Cowboy?
  8. hevmando

    Nebraska State Fair gets tough on doping, takes away titles.

    The biggest concern I have in this facet of showing is what prevents a competitor from sabotaging your animal?  If it comes up positive, your are guilty.  Now I know that is thinking like a cheater but I have seen a showmanship competition where a mom sent her young daughter in from the...
  9. hevmando

    Mainetainer showing ?'s

    MN beef expo Maine class is Maintainer % and higher.
  10. hevmando

    Maine bull

    Rumor Mill, and I think Real Deal is calving ease
  11. hevmando

    Old question, new year: Which TH free bulls for steers or market heifers?

    Thanks for the homework assignment Mark.  Be back to you in a week or so!!  <beer>
  12. hevmando

    Old question, new year: Which TH free bulls for steers or market heifers?

    I know this has been asked before, even by me with pictures, but it's a new year and either I'm not searching correctly or I am blind because I am only seeing older posts.  We have 3 THC cows (7 yr old, and two 3 yr olds, also a yearling that I need to blood test yet but will assume THC for...
  13. hevmando

    Hiefer Day old and a dollar short

    My wife would be telling me to humble down with that calf.  Nice one Mark!
  14. hevmando

    Club Calf Producers/Traders that have kids showing

    "My problem is not showing against the club calf producer if they show their own calves.  My problem is when their calves are good enough to sell to someone else, but then they take your money and buy "better" calves from another producer for their kids to show." This can go both ways.  I have...
  15. hevmando

    When is it considered overkill?

    I have truly appreciated the discussion on this topic.  One of the most civilized I have seen on any forum for quite a while but also addressed some intensive topics.  Quite refreshing compared to my hometown danceline's recent media attention.
  16. hevmando

    Matt Lautner question

    For clarification it is Chance not Chase.
  17. hevmando

    Is Aging a new problem?

    LLBux,  I know it happens BUT we have a March 2 Rumor Mill steer calf with short, frost bitten ears.  Took him in the garage with heated blower to warm him and his ears up.  -15 degrees with 20 mph winds in MN.  :) 
  18. hevmando

    Maine Anjou breeders

    Holden Maines and More, Mike Holden, Scranton, IA has a good herd of commercial Maines.
  19. hevmando

    MN Beef Expo-White Satin on Ice Sale

    1 - 800 each 3 - 500 5 $ 350 each 6 $ 400 each
  20. hevmando

    Heifer needs fill behind shoulders

    she looks great otherwise, been progressing nicely.  Thanks for the reply!