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  1. hevmando

    Heifer needs fill behind shoulders

    "Just be careful not to: a)get her ration too "hot" - obvious signs are loose/acidic stool, sweating, hair shedding, stiffness B) get her too fat.  If she build too much fat in around her udder she'll damage her mammary glands" Cowboy, AAOK, others, The sweating comment hit me.  We feed...
  2. hevmando

    Maine Operations

    Holden Maine's and More. Mike Holden  Scranton IA 712-830-8994
  3. hevmando

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    Congrats, hope you got a trip to St Paul also!
  4. hevmando

    sure champ?

    I have trouble with my cattle not eating the sure champ and sorting the pellets.  Anyone else?  Maybe I need to mix the Amaferm powder in the ration.  I have tried it and not seen the benefit.  What changes did you notice in 2-4 weeks?
  5. hevmando

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    " I am literally smashing keys right now because of how irritated I get when I talk about it..." Lindsey,  you saying how emotional you are getting typing about this probably translates into frustration in the ring when showing against the reigning winner.  You said it, you may want to consider...
  6. hevmando

    question about simmi cows milk

    Anyone that is familiar with dairy cows knows reddish milk immediately after calving is not uncommon.  Cottage cheese, clumpy is a problem.  That is mastitis.  The red usually goes away in a few days.  Dairy farmers see the milk, beef guys usually not.  Good luck.
  7. hevmando

    who is the best red angus bull

    How is Firestorm structurally?  He looks really straight in his rear wheels in his pictures.  Not bashing the bull at all, profiles real weel imo until the rear wheels.  Any thoughts from those that have seen him in person or the calves he throws?
  8. hevmando

    From Nick Reimann passed away this weekend in a plane crash

    Nick Reimann Passed Away MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014  Nick Reimann passed away over the weekend in a plane crash that claimed multiple lives. This isn’t the place for eulogies but I’ll say that I’ve run into him about half a dozen times in Denver over the years and he was always one of the most...
  9. hevmando

    Charolais bulls on club calf cows to raise a smoke

    Cow is THC so Smoking Bob not an option.  Hoo Made Hoo is Leddys HooDoo i believe.  Also considering Firepower.  Whats the pros and cons of these two and Rapid Reward?  Or is it just pick em time?  Thanks for all the input. Best part is GeneSource has all 3 :)
  10. hevmando

    Question about this site?

    Iomac, don't get discouraged.  Lots of good people and info on this site.  We are piss ants also in that we are trying to have some fun as a family in a project my daughter and sons love and we can enjoy together.    The search function is a must, local experts also.  We have struggled with...
  11. hevmando

    Charolais bulls on club calf cows to raise a smoke

    After all the input we ended up breeding the Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow to LT Bluegrass.  Here is her heifer calf about 17 hours old.  Weighed 90 lbs, up and nursing in less than 30 minutes.  Thinking Cornerview Xcalibre this year?  Not the best pic, but calf was pretty spunky this morning and...
  12. hevmando

    Great illustration to debunk "pink slime" fiasco

    A concern I have with the original photo is the ammunition it may give to our enemies.  Dealing with the media can be lose lose sometimes.
  13. hevmando

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    One thing to spell out, discuss, and understand if the calf is housed at the kids place is what responsibility occurs in case of a death of the calf.  Can avoid an uncomfortable discussion later if not talked about ahead of time.
  14. hevmando

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    Matthew 20:1-16 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard. 3 “About nine in the morning he...
  15. hevmando

    My favorite county fair story

    Thanks for sharing a great story!
  16. hevmando

    Cattle Visions Website

    Mine seems good.
  17. hevmando

    Believe In Me Prospect Steer for Tulsa/KC- Undecided on showing or selling him

    He looks very good in my opinion.  Too good to sell, but letting the kids decide what they want to show and have fun it is worth a lot also.  Should be able to get good money for him.  MN deadline is Feb 15, weigh ins are sooner.  Too good for my checkbook probably.  Good luck with whatever you...
  18. hevmando

    DF GF Lily 102R !

    Beautiful cow Doc!  Calf should be a good one.
  19. hevmando

    Blower Hose Replacement

    I have gotten hose from these guys.
  20. hevmando

    Two Ring Shows

    That was my thought.  2 entry fees, two judges, 2 payouts, why not two Gr Ch?