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  1. hevmando

    What should I have in my Cattle First Aid kit?

    Dexamethasone or cortisone Dex or dextrose for quick acting energy I think these are the two kinds of Dex people refer to and I read posts for years before figuring it out.  Not sure if I did yet though.  Many helpful people on this board will correct me though I think/hope :) Good post by...
  2. hevmando

    Need some help

    vitamin b complex injection
  3. hevmando

    What does MAC mean?

    Thanks, found the info!
  4. hevmando

    What does MAC mean?

    Looking at a sale catalog for some red angus cattle and a comment on one is "would have been in the donor pen if not MAC".  What does that mean?
  5. hevmando

    Opinions of Market Heifer

    County fair must have went ok with the judge?  :)  Congrats.
  6. hevmando

    Taking off fat

    Just like us, diet and exercise.
  7. hevmando

    List all time rock songs and all time country song

    Speaking of Meat Loaf : Paradise by the dashboard light!
  8. hevmando

    List all time rock songs and all time country song

    Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen He stopped loving her today by George Jones You never even called me by my name by David Allan Coe This is just like a cattle show.  One man's opinion!  :)
  9. hevmando

    County Fair Judges

    CAB not sure getting the situation changed in MN will happen.  With our present system the barns are full.  I think, I don't know, that may be the reason for the allocation system.  At the MN state fair the first 4 days are all 4-H livestock.  The middle 4 days are open class dairy, goats...
  10. hevmando

    You might be a beef producer if...

    Wrangler jeans, Justin boots, and a Stetson hat are worn to work, church, weddings, funerals, shopping, and dates. You have no problem saying at the dinner table, "ole (insert name of favorite steer) sure tastes good!" Your cattle eat a more balanced diet than the average American citizen...
  11. hevmando

    Rice county fair Jackpot goat show & FFA goat show, July 18th, Faribault, MN

    Rice county fair FFA meat goat show, Thursday, July 18th 1.30 pm  Entries due July 5th. Rice county fair Jackpot meat goat show, Thursday, July 18th, 7 pm.  Pre entry due July 14th. Can enter day of show. Faribault, MN  Questions on jackpot call Guy Lawrence 507-210-1529
  12. hevmando

    Rice county fair, Faribault, MN Jackpot Beef Show and FFA beef show July 19th

    Rice county fair Jackpot beef show Friday, July 19th 7pm.  Faribault, MN.  $ 400 Ch market animal, $ 400 Ch heifer, $ 200 RC  market animal and heifer, $ 150 Ch dairy steer, $ 75 RC dairy steer.  Can arrive Thu at noon until 5pm Friday.  $25 entry by July 1, $ 35 after July 1. Can register night...
  13. hevmando

    What do ya'll think of this exciting bull calf?

    I agree with Sassy, if you have to ask, he should be a steer.  Look at any stud book.  There are some awesome looking bulls that get little to no use annually for whatever reason.  How many promo bulls disappear in a year?  These are phenotypically very good bulls, and maybe should be used more...
  14. hevmando

    Online Auctions - "The Fine Print"

    If I understand what Jason is saying is your bid is raised to your proxy max or the reserve, whichever is lower.  If your proxy max meets the reserve, it goes to the reserve.  If your proxy max is less than the reserve, your bid goes to your proxy max.
  15. hevmando

    Horse Slaughter facilities continued

    Ryan, I agree they should be charged with cruelty and neglect, but my grandmother never bought a dog in her life, but she cared for over a dozen that just showed up at her farm.  Can't catch them so can't stop them.  I see this issue as a notch in peta and hsus bedpost, as well as no tallow in...
  16. hevmando

    Horse Slaughter facilities continued

    Another area where others know what is best for us because we don't.  Horse slaughter is necessary because without it, there is no way to humanely get rid of an animal that is no longer wanted and no one else wants to buy.  Why is that so hard to accept?  Many people are pro choice, many are pro...
  17. hevmando

    Two-Stage Weaning

    We have used them, like them a lot except when the calves pry them off.  We maybe left them in too long, but overall we like them.
  18. hevmando

    Any Rumor mill calves?

    Here are some pics of an April 7, 2013 Rumor Mill heifer out of a Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow.
  19. hevmando

    Opinions on best show suuplement for added muscle dimension

    Dan, Maybe you've addressed this before, but why meal not pellets?