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  1. hevmando

    Cattle numbers at shows going down?

    Ron, You forgot to mention your kids did pretty well in showmanship in Austin also, congrats on a great weekend!  That show went off wonderfully well, seemed to me the crappy weather made everyone more tolerant, and willing to work together.  Great job MJSC crew! Jeff
  2. hevmando

    Got to share

    Way to go!!  Congrats!!
  3. hevmando

    tattoo year letters for boer goats

    ABGA site looks like it is C
  4. hevmando


    there's one in classifieds
  5. hevmando

    Any Rumor mill calves?

    Had a Rumor Mill heifer out of a 5 yr old Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow yesterday.  99# unassisted, up and nursing in 15 minutes and frisky as can be by last night. 
  6. hevmando

    New beef show in MN Memorial Day weekend and Stock Show U

    Stock Show U is Saturday afternoon.  Show is Sunday.  See attached pdf for info.
  7. hevmando

    I think cow has lumpy jaw? Ship now or 3 months after hopefully calving?

    Here is an update on the cow. Since my last post we gave the cow 3 lbs grain/day as she was losing some body condition.  Also topdressed 1 1/2 # sbm as some of the hay was poor quality crp, and 1 # Aureomycin 4G crumbles, with 1 oz iodized salt each day.  Her body condition improved and after...
  8. hevmando

    bloat in cow?

    acidosis might be a bigger issue than bloat.  sodium bicarb if you can get some in her.
  9. hevmando

    March Madness Albert Lea

    6th was Badgers Chi steer,
  10. hevmando

    Land Issue

    The one thougth that comes to mind for me, and I live in MN, is the unwritten rule/expectation on rented land that I grew up with of: if no contract exists stating otherwise is you leave the land the way you got it.  Meaning, if it was plowed when you got it, you plow it back.  If not, you are...
  11. hevmando

    Sell him as a show steer, or keep him a bull? New Pic on 8/11/13

    This post is a great example of the knowledge and experience on this site.  My first thought when I read the title of the post was, "if you have to ask, he is not bull material".  I then proceeded to read the postings and was educated and enlightened on my lack of knowledge of pedigrees, Maine...
  12. hevmando

    March Madness Albert Lea MN

    Call Eric Neil 507-402-5412.  Typically heifers first, alphabetically Angus, etc.  Then mkt heifers, then breed steers, xbred steers.  Great show, good payouts.  Bring generators as power is short.
  13. hevmando

    Ak-sar-ban Market Goat Show Market goats only 2013 Market Lamb Identification Rules/Forms All market lambs must have hair sample (DNA) on file to be eligible for the 2013 Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Stock Show.  All materials must be obtained through your local County Extension...
  14. hevmando


    What is everyone's experience with Firewater as far as adding/maintaining/subtracting body capacity or spring of rib?
  15. hevmando

    Looking for a red angus bull

    Anybody know anything about Sun King, Hard Drive, or Brown Heritage?  My son won 2 straws from Select Sires and looking at Red Angus bulls from them.
  16. hevmando

    Best Feed to buy that is not a Home Mixture!

    Just curious is ACCO feed and Showmaster the same?  If I have my history correct, ACCO was originally a seed company based in Belmond, IA by two men by the names of Anderson and Clayton.  ACCO was an acronym for Anderson Clayton COmpany.  They also owned, or bought Paymaster seeds based...
  17. hevmando

    I think this is something everyone can relate to. (Not Cattle)

    Tough day.  "I hope I am half the man my dog thinks I am."
  18. hevmando

    Charolais bulls on club calf cows to raise a smoke

    Thanks Mark and others for the replies.  We have our inventory with Genex and am sure I could get ABS semen.  Will run this by my daughter and take a pick.  Jeff
  19. hevmando

    Ali Bull produce crippled calves?

    I've got an I-80 steer out of a Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow that is starting to get very post legged, to the point imo that he might have spastic paresis.  Could this be a result of too close of the Maine genetics?  Bred to Rumor Mill this time, hope it does not happen again.  I am starting to...