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  1. hevmando

    Holm Show Cattle Sale ends Sept. 8

    Which tag was the ch prospect?
  2. hevmando

    For Sale - Paul Livestock Scale and Aluminum Showbox

    PM on both and location please.  Thank you.
  3. hevmando

    one thing you could change

    In MN you have to earn a trip to the state fair and for early fairs, you need a backup pig for the state fair as our county fair is a terminal show.  Had a friends son earn a trip a few years ago with a commercial barrow, nothing fancy, but a productive animal.  His backup animal was the same...
  4. hevmando

    Iowa County Fairs low in numbers

    A little more clarification for MN.  You can bring 1 animal for livestock encampment to the State fair and 1 general project for that encampment.  Also our high school sports activities for the most part are only during the school year so very few conflicts with the county fair though there are...
  5. hevmando

    Very sad news.. re: Herefordfootball - Chris Cummings...

    I did not know the young man at all but I do offer this to those of you that will see the family in the future.  I learned this from friends who lost their daughter at the same age as Chris a few years ago.  The mother told me that the most uncomfortable thing afterwards was when people would...
  6. hevmando

    Blood in steers stool

    My first thought is coccidiosis also, so the corid would be the treatment.  Our calves had a few spots of blood in their stools this year also.  Had the vet culture it and they found roundworms, no cocci, so we wormed them again and it has cleared up.
  7. hevmando

    What to breed to a Golden Child heifer?

    Thanks for the input everyone!!
  8. hevmando

    Favorite BBQ Sauce

    Sweet Baby Rays!!
  9. hevmando

    What to breed to a Golden Child heifer?

    I have a 3 yr old Golden Child heifer who had a 77# heifer calf last month out of a purebred angus bull.  In my opinion she is structurally sound, wide, thick, hairy, and has plenty of bone.  She lacks depth of rib, although she is long,  so she looks like a bratwurst.  What would you suggest I...
  10. hevmando

    Corn Cob Bedding

    snag, I have access to sand, but have been hesitant to try it worried about rinsing it out of their hair and wrecking the clippers.  your thoughts?
  11. hevmando

    Ivomec for dogs

    Smurf, Be very careful.  Like the above posts stated, some dogs tolerate it w/o incident, others die.  I talked to a vet friend of mine and he asked if I did the conversion.  When I did, the appropriate dosage is something like .1 cc/80 #.  I gave a dog 1 cc once, he started getting better...
  12. hevmando

    Pictures: Our New Show Barn Toy.....

    I am a newbie so please this is just an honest question.  Isn't well water about 38 degrees, and this water would be about 33 at best.  Will it make that much of a difference?
  13. hevmando

    heat wave dead or alive

    Holstein no, but what about a Milking Shorthorn or a Brown Swiss?  Big enough to handle club calf breeding, don't milk enough to cause scours?  Not inbred like the holsteins so still have enough natural instincts in them?  Am I way off base?
  14. hevmando

    Angus "Classing out" @ Austin

    Nice reply Jeff.  Remember folks, if everyone was honest, we would not need any rules.
  15. hevmando

    March Madness Preview show in Albert Lea

    What did everyone think of the show?  Good quality cattle imo.  First time for my kids at this show.  They showed well, cattle behave tremendously for their first time out, and the payouts were very generous considering where we placed.  Great experience.  Thank you to the people who put this on...
  16. hevmando

    Hoof trimmer in SE MN?

    Thanks for all the referralls and info!  Greatly appreciated.
  17. hevmando

    Hoof trimmer in SE MN?

    Anyone know of a hoof trimmer in SE MN?  We only have 6 head to trim.  Heard Steve Delzer is very good but hard to get.  Any help would be appreciated.
  18. hevmando

    What works on Heat Wave Daughters?

    Thanks for the input and assistance, will do a pelvic measurement before breeding.
  19. hevmando

    What works on Heat Wave Daughters?

    I am the rookie of rookies in the cattle showing hobby.  My daughter has a Heatwave daughter out of an extrememly productive Sim/Angus dam.  Are we fooling ourselves to even try to breed her?  The person we bought her from whom I trust and respect greatly thought if a Heatwave daughter ever had...