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  1. cookcattleco

    Blue Roan heifer Tour - Iowa to Alabama and back...

    Here is a Vegas Cunia heifer for sale over labor day
  2. cookcattleco

    Bull For Sale

    We have decided to part with my bull, he is a Pale Face son out of a Backdraft X Stout cow.  He has had two calf crops and we have kept back multiple females so we need to sell him.  He was a show bull, he was a Gold All American for the Maine Anjou Association.  One of the few steers in his...
  3. cookcattleco

    Phildons Get Serious

    Has anyone had or seen any of Get Serious's calves, Thanks
  4. cookcattleco

    Ali Semen

    I have four straws of Ali semen for sale, if interested PM me please.
  5. cookcattleco

    "Twister", The Carneyman Smoke Steer with Peculiar Markings!

    i had one born like that also.  Dr. Who X Registered Angus  except black with brown spot
  6. cookcattleco

    Herd Bulls - I'll show... if you show yours

    Mine is a Pale Face X Claberta Backdraft X Stout.  Calves solid black bg footed and big butted and sound.
  7. cookcattleco

    Brangus Bull for sale

    He is out of my pale face X backdraft x stout son and a registered brangus cow.
  8. cookcattleco

    Best clubby sire for Meyer 734/Angus?

    the best cross ever is the full flush meyer cross in my opinion.  that cross has won countles shows
  9. cookcattleco

    shorthorn bull Absolut

    The absolute bull is a stud in my opinion.  He was thick SOUND and asy to look at.  I seen him as a baby and was blown away by him.  And owned by a great family and buisness.
  10. cookcattleco

    looking for show heifer

    I have a few heifers that are very nice.  They are priced very reasonable.
  11. cookcattleco

    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale in Iowa

    very nice heifer.  tell the old iowa %%%%% the okie said hi laroyce. 
  12. cookcattleco

    Full Brother To Jimmy The Greek FOR SALE

    No i just bought this calf.  He is a steer i am selling.  I think he is very complete.
  13. cookcattleco

    Full Brother To Jimmy The Greek FOR SALE

    He is a Red Hot X Jenna (full flush). 
  14. cookcattleco

    Heat Wave X Maine Steer For Sale

    Here is a new Heat Wave spring born steer i just got in.  He is an April.  This calf is extremely doscile and ready to hit the show ring.
  15. cookcattleco

    Heat Wave X Maine Steer For Sale

    Here is a new Heat Wave spring born steer i just got in.  He is an April.  This calf is extremely doscile and ready to hit the show ring.
  16. cookcattleco

    RJJV Catalyst 26s

    I seen the 51,000 heifer and did not see that in her.  She was nice but awfully common to me.  I think your bull will be nice.  He should impress people for as fresh as he is and being older than all the other display bulls there.  I know its hard to keep hair on a older bull, we have shown...
  17. cookcattleco

    RJJV Catalyst 26s

    Im not to fond of the Lamborghini bull this bulls sire.  I have seen alot of average calves, and no very good ones.  He looks a little coarse in his front shoulders to me.  He also looks like he has quite abt of sheath to me.  This bull could have some nice calves when mated to the right cows. ...
  18. cookcattleco

    Whiskey for my Men X Angus

    Like the Oklahoma Youth Expo next year.
  19. cookcattleco

    Whiskey for my Men X Angus

    This will be a nice Angus steer for a spring fair.