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  1. cookcattleco

    Unforgiven Steer

    This guy is a May.  He is a Unforgiven X Maine.  I feel he is a very fault free kind of calf, Super sound and big middled.  Will make a very good fat but have fun jackpotting him along the way. 3500
  2. cookcattleco

    Bull for lease

    Very nice bull.  I am interested in him.  Is he for sale or just lease.  I seen him today and was amazed guys.  The picture does not do him justice.
  3. cookcattleco

    Heat Wave X The Bookie Heifer - Mother Picture Added

    Very high end appendix shorthorn fall heifer
  4. cookcattleco

    Yellow Jacket X Heat Wave Heifer

    Very complete high quality fall heifer.
  5. cookcattleco

    Looking for a show heifer in Oklahoma area--found one 0

    I have multiple heifers in all price ranges. Where are you located?  Pm me if you would be intereted
  6. cookcattleco

    looking for steer

    I have plenty of steers available in all price ranges.  Where are you in budget and location?
  7. cookcattleco

    Ft. worth grand steer

    Anybody know the dams to these steers. And what the sire was on the reserve?
  8. cookcattleco

    Fall Show Steers in Texas

    Did you take the steer you bought?
  9. cookcattleco


    I heard he ate some bad sileage somewhere? 
  10. cookcattleco

    ft worth steer show

    Anybody know where the champ and reserve came from.  and what the reserve was.
  11. cookcattleco

    Heat Wave X Full Flush Steer Still for Sale

    I believe I have replied to all. Thank you guys for all the interest. He is still available.
  12. cookcattleco

    Polar Express X Heat Seeker Steer SOLD

    April Shorthorn Steer
  13. cookcattleco

    Who thinks this is the same calf????? I am not impressed!!!!

    Looks fishy to me also. I think he may have sent u the yellow tagged calf in background of second picture
  14. cookcattleco

    Ft.Worth Shorthorn Show

    So who was the judge?
  15. cookcattleco

    Looking for a good steer

    I have some high end calves very reasonably priced for what they are. Of you are interested just pm me or give me a joggle at 580-370-0309
  16. cookcattleco

    Best New MATERNAL BULL @ 2011 NWSS

    I would have to go with Tabasco. Hus mother is flat out awesome and hasn't missed yet on this mating. His grandmother was a he k of a cow.  She had a steer win a major county fair in Texas. Sadly now though the grandmother is deceased.  (angel)
  17. cookcattleco

    Low % Simmental Heifer

    This girl is still for sale.
  18. cookcattleco

    Get It Done

    Any news on what he brought and how that sale went?
  19. cookcattleco

    My new website

    Thanks cruiser. 