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  1. cookcattleco

    Low % Simmental Heifer

    Sorry She is a Paddy O Mally X Meyer X Angus born May 26 2010
  2. cookcattleco

    My new website Check it out please
  3. cookcattleco

    Low % Simmental Heifer

    This one is priced where just about anybody can play and run at the majors. PM for more info.
  4. cookcattleco

    Avatar photos missing?

    Thank You Jason.  This site is the greatest site ever.
  5. cookcattleco

    Avatar photos missing?

    I cant see pictures in the posts either?
  6. cookcattleco

    Miss Aberdeen

    I believe this was her name or what she was called. She was the deepest bodied most powerful angus I had seen. I only seen her picture and want to say jbh had her. I was just curious if anybody remembered her or knew where she was or who has her. Or maybe even some embryos out of this cow.
  7. cookcattleco

    Sullivan Sale Results Anyone?

    WOW who bought lot 6A.  Very nice heifer
  8. cookcattleco

    Best Market steer you ever saw

    Is this the steer of Haymes you re speaking of?
  9. cookcattleco

    Naughty Pine

    The few I have milk great and raise a calf every year so far.  May have bigger birthweights from the heat wave but very nice.  I love them
  10. cookcattleco

    My Herd Bull

    What is your email address I can't get them off my phone but I ven email them. And anyone elsr who would like to see some just pm me with your email address.
  11. cookcattleco

    My Herd Bull

    His blood has been sent off.  His mother was clean by heritage.
  12. cookcattleco

    My Herd Bull

    He is a Paddy O'Malley X Marksman.  He is a registered 3/4 Maine.
  13. cookcattleco


    How does a guy get ahold of him.  i need a cow flushed and he has her.  gt ahold of him.  <party> <party> <party> <party>
  14. cookcattleco

    Ivy League Calves

    I have seen some and I really really like them. I will be using some when I get the chance.
  15. cookcattleco

    Poll: Best Club Calf Bull? ENDS TODAY! WHO IS NUMBER 1?

    I am not complaining. I like Harlan. Just was honestly trying to show that eye candy does have some nice calves out there showing.  I beleive there is one out in Ohio that hasn't been new yet.  They are the hot new thing coming down the pike. But I wasn't trying to start anything. I hate when...
  16. cookcattleco

    Poll: Best Club Calf Bull? ENDS TODAY! WHO IS NUMBER 1?

    The reasons are pretty blatant but I'm not goin to come out and just say why.
  17. cookcattleco

    Poll: Best Club Calf Bull? ENDS TODAY! WHO IS NUMBER 1?

    Eye Candy steer that should have won the Michigan beef expo.  Got beat by a judge thing.