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  1. cookcattleco

    Poll: Best Club Calf Bull? ENDS TODAY! WHO IS NUMBER 1?

    I agree. I mean everybody loves heat wave and monopoly.  I am a new found lover of eye candy. I seen about eighty at one ranch. All alike and good.
  2. cookcattleco

    The Hangover or Uno Mas?

    I have been told by some others that he was the best smokie bull there by a mile
  3. cookcattleco

    The Hangover or Uno Mas?

    I would definitely use Trausch Farms bull Uncle Cracker.  He is a half blood maine and is an outcross to most all genetics.
  4. cookcattleco

    Northern Express Angus Bull

    Is there any semen on him left out there?  I am looking for some.
  5. cookcattleco

    hunting for embryos.

    We lease our place out because the deer and turkey are so thick. I'm am very interested in this offer. Pm me with the particulars please.
  6. cookcattleco

    Looking for Hereford Heifer

    I have plenty of heifers. Where are you located. 
  7. cookcattleco


    Will there be a P2P sale this year?
  8. cookcattleco

    New Website

    I am finally catching up with the internet ages lol.
  9. cookcattleco

    Information Consultants Needed! (non cattle)

    So how is this working out?  I am interested myself
  10. cookcattleco

    OK Planeteers.....Time 2 USE Your Brain AGAIN.........

    Why not try and get the major shows IE Denver Fort Worth Kansas City Louisvlle all on tv like the dog shows.  I dont know how much it would cost but I think this would make things even more intersted.
  11. cookcattleco

    Wanted: Shorthorn bull

    check out They have a very very nice pair of bulls for sale
  12. cookcattleco

    Brian Martin sale

    I seen that.  I was just trying to figure out where he was going.
  13. cookcattleco

    Brian Martin sale

    Does anybody know who bought the hired man steer from Martin sale?  He sure was a nice one n
  14. cookcattleco


    Is there semen available.
  15. cookcattleco

    Ft. Worth steer show

    Who raised the grand steer or where did he come from anybody know?
  16. cookcattleco

    Cows for sale

    I also would love to see pictures
  17. cookcattleco

    Heat Wave Steer video Added

    He is still available. Just gving him one more chance on here. He is very very shaggy and needs reclipped but I am lettng him just het complete shagged out. I will have him clipped though if anyone wants to come see him.  
  18. cookcattleco

    What's the OLDEST Club Calf Bull on DENVER DISPLAY Anyone Remembers?

    Does anybody have an old picture of Warhorse from denver  I would love to see that one