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  1. cookcattleco


    Check ut Hauns website they have some pitured that look awesome. 
  2. cookcattleco

    Chi heifers

    I will have an awesome black baldy Monopoly X Jack Frost heifer.  She will be dual reg. as a chi and a mainetainer.
  3. cookcattleco

    PB Angus Heifer for sale Updated Pictures

    It is snot from when the wind slung it up there while she was playing after i kicked her out of the barn.
  4. cookcattleco

    Some results from WHR

    How about the bulls I think the one I liked was 56
  5. cookcattleco

    Monopoly calf

    I have 15 of them and love them all.  We leased him from lautners and just got through calving them out.  We had great luck on BW except on one which was well over a 100.  I am very imressed with my babies.  Once they get a little age on them I'll picture some for you guys.
  6. cookcattleco

    PB Angus Heifer for sale Updated Pictures

    This is a Juneau X Rito Gold PB Angus heifer.  She is dog gentle and ready to have a fun show career.
  7. cookcattleco

    Reno1014 Bucket Calf

     Bucket Calf
  8. cookcattleco

    Sooner X Calberta Simulcast PB Maine Heifer

    This heifer is a very high end High Maine.
  9. cookcattleco

    Angus Steer Wanted!!

    He just has to look like a herf color pattern.
  10. cookcattleco

    McDonalds New News From Texas A&M

    Ok well I am still on boycott.
  11. cookcattleco

    McDonalds New News From Texas A&M

    Why even have to import  from Australia and New Zealand.  I am stil on boycott, I mean its not like they are the only Fast Food burger around.
  12. cookcattleco

    McDonalds New News From Texas A&M

    This will keep us from ever stopping there again, even for a drink.    The original message is from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association American cattle producers are very passionate about this.  McDonald's claims that there is not enough beef in the USA to support their restaurants. Well, we...