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    What would you breed her to?

    Not on your short list but I would imagine Lautner's Red Rock would tie it all together. Hopefully you will retain Hereford markings and pick up the Heatwave power.
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    Good steer and market heifer for sale

    Would like to move this steer...if you're interested let me know and we'll see what we can work out. Thanks.
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    They are worth whatever you will part with them for-ha! Figure out what new ones cost subtract age, forth. Worse case but your price plus an obo and see what people think.
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    Good steer and market heifer for sale

    Both are kid broke, priced @ $1500 obo, located in Indiana...plan to take them both to Henry Co. Classic in Ky. next weekend unless they sale first. Friction/Ali on the bull side, Heatseeker on the dam. Can contact 812-361-6147 if interested.
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    Bull for inspection and Market Heifer question ...

    Not sure these pics really "show" her off...but this what we got in the yard tonight. If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks.
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    Hollywood steer for sale

    pm d.o.b. and approx. weight if you know, price
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    Rain Rain go away!!!!

    RAIN RAIN..come our way. We haven't had any since mid-July.
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    ali/friction/heatwave steer for sale

    I have some updated pictures I am going to try to get post by tonight.
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    ali/friction/heatwave steer for sale

    I think I have answered everyone's pm so far, but let me know if I missed anyone. Thanks.
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    Fustration with Husband!

    I don't know for sure but I'm guessing if can get a hold of my husband and he thinks a trip to NAILE to show cattle is involved you could persuade him to kidnap you. Then, it wouldn't be your fault, you'd both get to go and I could just come visit while your there--ha! Just in case your...
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    Anyone interested in leasing a heifer

    A lot of good ones get left standing this time of year b/c they're a little green.
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    ali/friction/heatwave steer for sale

    This is a late march steer out a ali/friction bull and heatwave cow. He hasn't had a whole lot of time spent on him yet but he seems to be coming along pretty nice. He'll be broke by the time someone wanted to pick him up. I can get a few more pictures if needed...these were just quick snaps...
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    Horned Herefords

    An "old timer" once told me, lose the horn and lose the hip. Ponder that next time you are looking through a pasture that contains both.
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    steer for sale

    This is a steer that we bought late just for fun. We usually show crossbreds and really liked his look for a registered Hereford. My daughter had a ton of fun jackpotting with him. He did really well for age (June 27th) and the judges gave him tons of praise. He was just small too run with...
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    Slick vs Hair shows

    I personally hate the "leveling the playing field" argument. 4-H and FFA is supposed to be all about moving our children above others by teaching responsibility and reaping rewards through hard work. The leveling the playing field seems to go completely against what these organizations say they...
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    Looking for a left over steer

    If a Hereford would interest you I have a great one. Current weight is 1135. He is a June 19 calf out of High Cotton. DNA has already been sent in to qualify for the American Royal as well.
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    full tank or ruma fill

    My vote is for ruma fill hands down - full tank pales in comparison
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    Another Breeding Suggestions Question ...

    Crimson Tide? Just thinking outside the box.
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    Calf Pictures - opinions please!!

    What is the pedigree on the calf in picture numbered 0101? Thanks