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    Lautner Ad Banner

    I took it that steerplanet was advertising it wrong...he says he saw the add on steerplanet and to check sources of info. before believing.
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    I have an idea for a t-shirt design. I know there are lots of designers out there but I was wondering if someone on here has the capability or would want to try to make the graphic design for me. I don't think I have enough technical experience to put the design together. After I have the image...
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    Blood in steers stool

    We had it this year too. If you don't have any other signs I'd say coccidiosis too. It didn't spread through our barn but your vet should be able to give you several treatment options and an opinion on whether or not to treat all of those in the barn or not.
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    clogged mist sprayers

    We have well water and lots of "stuff" in our water too...we also bought one of the cheap filter systems that filters only the hose to the misters. When need we soak our tips overnight in CLR.
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    Corn Cob Bedding

    The cobs are wonderful as long as you are NOT running a mister system. If you are stay clear they will rapidly turn into the nastiest mush mess you've ever dealt with.
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    Where are the moderators

    Unless I'm missing something I didn't get any either.
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    Hilltop & Olson Shorthorns Pics of SULL Jane Mary Heifer

    I didn't think she looked too wastey in her brisket from the pictures--or I guess I've seen a lot worse. I think I'd like to see her carry herself a little stronger through her top but overall a nice heifer in my opinion. The old saying--that judges opinion on that day--but ultimately do you...
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    So You Think You Can Dance......Please vote and help out a home town favorite!!

    He deserves the votes..he did an awesome job on his showcase dance. He did better than I expected from watching his try-outs. I was impressed. His home town video shoot was something too, nothing like seeing a dance show dancer on a john deere!!
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    Serious need to gain weight

    If you choose to go with an implant I would warn you to be sure your calf is 100% sound. Any structural issues will become ten fold not.
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    papers on cattle purchased

    We have a Maine steer this year who has now been shown 7 times as a crossbred so i feel your pain. My new thoughts on this for the future are paying all but $250 of the purchase price upon pick up and the rest when the papers make it to my mailbox.If the breeder doesn't like this arrangement...
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    Donkey Breeding Question

    I don't know anything about donkeys but here is a link to a website that describes how donkeys act in heat and how it works.
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    Favorite Hereford Bull

    does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on 'High Cotton' ?
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    Indiana Hereford Preview Show 2010

    Anybody have any info on the Indiana State Hereford Preview Show...the website still has 2009 form up. I was wanting to mark my calendar if anyone has a link...Thanks.
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    funny for the day!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!
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    What would you breed her to?

    I AM LEGEND - should really whistle that front and add lots of mass plus the ever desired "killer profile"  j.m.o.
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    New Castle, In.

    I replied to the show forum but just in case it hasn't been checked, I am looking for info. on the New Castle, In. show. Thanks.
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    Show in Newcastle Indiana

    Post a link or info. if you have it, they don't have the March Show circuit online yet so we can't get it if we don't have it in print.  thanks.
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    High quality female for sale (Price reduced please read post for more info)

    If she is not sold, could you pm me the price and if she can have any kind of papers...thanks.
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    Miami County Preview-Peru

    Grand steer was Martin's cross with Strietmatter showing it.