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    Your advice and help on my investment.

    You said she had stayed on feed, but has her weight remained the same or some gain...I would be additionally concerned if she was eating and not gaining/losing.  It sounds as if you have exhausted the 'normal' medications for this situation, what does her temp. get to if you let nature take its...
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    Hoosier Beef Congress (whose goin?)

    Count us in...don't feel like were as ready as we were last year....its been tough around here lately.  BUT maybe this will be our getting a good start to a new year.
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    Critique on a steer

    BUMP--big thanx to Doc for showing me the ropes!
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    10 Things You Might Not Know About Steerplanet

    when they go to buy lowlines....ha (as in laughing) in when they go somewhere to buy lowlines, they are given classes on promoting the breed, never shouldn't make fun of those who are less articulate just accept us as we are-ha (again laughing)
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    Steer for Sale

    off the subject..what does bump mean?
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    10 Things You Might Not Know About Steerplanet

    Must be a lowline thing, Dori is pretty good at working her advertisements on the breed too.  Maybe they're giving classes on promotion when they go to buy-ha.
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    All Baller's Post Here - warning thread by rex, lol.

    Thanks to Jason for clearing that up, like it was any of my business in the first place!  lol  And how sad am I,  I didn't even get racey karma online from someone who doesn't know me--BIG LOL!!!  And in case anyone was unsure, that was a JOKE!!
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    All Baller's Post Here - warning thread by rex, lol.

    I second the last post...I was confuzzled along w/ Zach but figured if I kept reading I'd figure it out....but now I'm cornfuzzled as why they got banned.  Guess there is a new sheriff in town--rule #1  no ballin'---as soon as we know what that is, and rule #2    no asterisk (see Doc's...
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    Good enough???

    When he gets clipped he`ll be even more good :D
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    show box

    My brother is a welder and is going to help my girls build their own show boxes.  If anyone has any blueprint ideas, or good ideas at all, we'd appreciate it.  If you've done this yourself, pictures would be great.  Let me know what you think--maybe were crazy.
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    Critique on a steer

    headed to hbc, we usually show at whatever show is within reasonable distance...we've got a few things we still need to do to him around here but was wondering what kind of things SP might have to say.
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    What do you do?

    We take away all the water tanks about 4 days before leaving for a show and only water them out of a bucket.  The first day, they never drink but by day 2 they're coming around.  By day 4 they have forgotten their tanks and know at the show what that bucket is for.  It's a lot work at home...
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    Unfortunate Loss

    Some extension offices have pdf files on the web of each poisonous plant and what it looks like for a specific state...I have the one for Indiana but not sure where your from.  Sorry about your cow...
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    Guess what.....

    only live once..might as well enjoy what you like.  Congrats!
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    Steer for Sale

    Nice steer, lots of hair, looks to be pretty stout guy.  Good luck, we've got about 3 too many.
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    Critique on a steer

    He is a Maximus and Meyer.  We're going to give him a dye job this week, and finish clipping over the long weekend.  We've never had a Simmental before, thoughts?
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    Critique on a steer

    Thanks DORI!!!  I attached them and walked away.  Just came back and realized the weren't sized correctly.  I appreciate you fixing them and I will do better next time.  Appreciate the help  :)
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    Critique on a steer

    Haven't done this before but figure if everyone else throws it out there, we'll give it a try.  Reg. Simi weighing about 810...he is a couple of hooftrimmings away from where we want him but ours hurt his shoulder so we're a little behind on that.  Go ahead--tear him apart as some would say.  He...
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    I know this is Steer Planet, but ...

    Right now all we do is cattle but as the kids get older we might try something else.  Kids turn in a few things in the commercial 4h building.
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    Could use some critiques on a show steer.

    I know how hard it is to find something when your looking for it, if you don't want it, its dirt cheap and in abundance.  I am surprised though that you can't get it...especially since they're hosting 2 jackpot shows in florida.  Go figure.  They days of people being dealers around here are...