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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    But thanks too anyone posting shows, I always like to know where we can go and which ones are good ones.  I saw that they posted the show in Princeton, In. for Feb. 14th and 15th.  It's a COLD one to go too.
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    I did some figuring last night too If I added up the badger/hbc entry fee's plus fuel from where I'm at, it saved me $6 to go to hbc, but saved 5 hours one way on time.  And last year my girls had tons of show ring time.  We showed showmanship Fri. night again twice on Sat. and both steers on...
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    No bull

    DL- I said almost the same thing this morning-although my version was much less compared to yours.  I did not stay up to see who won, but turned the t.v. on first thing.  My two 10 year old daughters who knew I was voting for McCain, said what now mommy...I said, "We are still Americans and...
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    Winter Reading

    Thanks to Red, I just enjoyed a really good book I might not have picked up without a recommendation, so I thought we could put in a good word for some of the books we've enjoyed.  Anyone have a good book I should look for?  Since we've also had a post about Temple G., I'll start with a book...
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    another good book

    And I should have proof-read my typing before I hit post..that was supposed to wasn't so even keeled  AND  that will be us.  Fingers aren't typing with my brain today.
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    another good book

    When I picked up the "Marley and Me" book and read the cover, I thought--alright, I'll give it a try.  I am usually your who did it, murder and/or mystery, or out of the ordinary type book person.  I know you probably have to be a dog lover and raised a few in order to get this book but wow, it...
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    Did you vote?

    Our school election was 45 McCain and 55 Obama....voted at 1:00--no wait, too rural for people to drive out there on their lunch break...voted McCain but doesn't seem like my vote helped much right now..and Kudo's those of you young ones for having an opinion, teachers should be glad you have...
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    Camera for photography

    I have a cheep camrea and its 2
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    Belt Buckles

    We didn't even need a buckle but thanks for the links.  Some of those are really nice.  Feel free to post any others that might be useful for Christmas (clothing, boots, ect.) javascript:void(0);
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    An udder disgrace

    I-- not growing up with cattle--was "udderly" amazed when I met my husband.  I found the humor, and quite honestly after 13 years of show cattle, am glad he stuck to the dairy.  'Cow fitter'--hey, at least he didn't go with 'steer jock'.  And udder botox, glad he didn't read the post about...
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    Funny at our house today

    I love it, out of the mouth of babes!!  At least the priorities are right...worrying about what day the next cattle project is.
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    Lookout cowboy -the weather is a changing

    I'm in Indiana and today was still nice--a little windy but not too bad.  My husband was in Iowa though and said he thought for sure he was going to blow away.  He talked like 45 mph winds... said he was pulling over for awhile in hopes that it would be easier to drive at dusk.  Tie down your...
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    Sullivan Fan Cage

    We're always looking to add to our collection also.  We have a fan cage that extends out so we're good there but anything else, let us know.  I'll also let others around me know if you don't get rid of quick.  Usually that stuff goes quick.
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    Belt Buckles

    It may be rare, I don't know but our local co-op carries them.  I bought my daughter one for christmas and it was $34...I didn't think that was bad, and it is a nice one--believe me she is picky.
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    Hoof trimming table

    I'd like to have one, we finally have a set of scales so I guess one thing at a time.
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    The way the page is loading...

    Thank you for helping...Red had sent me some advice on how to set my profile too.  Didn't realize I'd changed it.  Thanks so much.
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    I put this one the hele board but if anyone knows?

    When I first started on SP the post would be the first (original) post would be at the top of page 1 then response post listed underneath until it reached page 2 and so, to see the original I have to click on the last page, for ex. pg. 3 and then scroll to the bottom--the first response...
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    The way the page is loading...

    When I first started on SP the post would be the first (original) post would be at the top of page 1 then response post listed underneath until it reached page 2 and so, to see the original I have to click on the last page, for ex. pg. 3 and then scroll to the bottom--the first response...
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    What do you say?

    Pick corn and beans..cut then put up hay, water out of a tank and feed in a tub..drink pop, use tissue, tell which color sharpie we want, hook up not hitch our trailer..and out of the mouth of my baby--these were funny (just not at the time)  shop at the big O -which turned out to be Target when...
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    What do you say?

    I'm from Indiana-making me a "Hoosier".  In St. Louis where my sister-n-law moved a hoosier is a person who makes an _ss out of themselves...nice.