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    another good book

    Love BOOK reviews...I'll try to get it as soon as I finish the one I have.  Let me know of anything else ya'll like....
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    List of simile's,quotes,one liners,bumper stickers lyric lines

    How about...Surround yourself with idiots so you get to be the smart one...or something of that nature.
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    revamp my walker

    I think you should hang an exhibitor sign on the front with all your information--sire, dam, birthdate (I think you can fudge this one if you want too, I would in my own case-ha).  Then, add some of the colored electrical tape with some blue ribbons hanging from it.  Whatever you decide we def...
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    Lazy days of Autumn--a reminder

    There was--now.  Thanks for sharing.  I know we can all use a reminder of what the Lord can do and that was beautiful.
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    Where will you move to if...... (not cattle related)

    Today in my 6th grade remedial math group, I was trying to give real life examples on why the needed to know these things.  (Most of them are failing, although the class only has 6 and I have them for an hour.)  Their philosophy was it really didn't matter because I couldn't "hold them back". ...
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Well, we bought our youngest daughter a "cheap" steer earlier this year because she's not old enough to show at the county level--here its finished 3rd grade..she's in second, but we thought that would give her some experience.  Well, he is coming along nicely, gaining, well broke-has been shown...
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    I was wondering who has kids.

    I don't know how you have cattle...I couldn't afford to feed all those boys-lol.  Guess thats what the cattle are for!  Good luck to you..
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    Reno needs advice ...again on c-sec. heifer

    Just make sure if you with a question, you identify yourself-otherwise your up a creek!  (lol)
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    Where will you move to if...... (not cattle related)

    OH!!!! WOW--I was just thinking the same thing...I sat down to watch t.v. and hadn't noticed before tonight.  If Obama gets to have channel 73 (here anyway), what channel does McCain get, and Romney, or Nader....or if you check out  you will see santa claus has a website and can be...
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    BUT not helping your sister, ic...Not going to take anything up yourself either?  We took two crossbred's last year.  Taking 1 cross, and 1 breed--maybe 2 if we find something else we like along the way.  Do you like the show?
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Southern Indiana, my daughters have a couple of steers.  How about you--where you from and what are you taking?
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Or move in with the neighbors 6 mile down the road.  I'm sure they'd love to have you and a few show cattle.  ;)
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Yep, my mistake.  I looked earlier at the guidelines when I checked the deadline on entry forms.  I apologize for that.  Guess I never really thought about it, I just assumed anyone could go.  It's probably always been that way, I just never paid attention.  But, Olsen you could always come over...
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    Reno needs advice ...again on c-sec. heifer

    Reno-sounds like DL def. has the c-section thing down...good luck to you and your heifer.  We've never had a c-section around here but some rough births from time to time.  Keep us updated.
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    Reno needs advice ...again on c-sec. heifer

    DL:  You seemed to have a problem w/ my comment but isn't that same basic thing as getting on here and asking...fine, identify yourself or don' rationale was that if it was anonymous you didn't make the other vet or yourself look bad just seeking information.  It's always good (in MY...
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    funny for the day!!

    I meant  ANY time soon...shoo, its getting late.  That makes me old doesn't it?
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    funny for the day!!

    I hope Obama doesn't come by the farm to check out the cattle in time soon. 
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    I was wondering who has kids.

    Oh, Doc..ya know those three girls are much better than any ole' boy would be...look how good they look in the show ring.
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    New grower ration

    Can you be the miracle worker who fixes me up a ration that has enough protein to have hair and look good without gaining any??  I think the steer we have eats his wood chips during the day!
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    Reno needs advice ...again on c-sec. heifer

    I thought most c-sections were done on the farm...but this definitely doesn't sound right.  I'm w/ everyone else, I'd be asking some questions.  Can you call the other vet anonymously and give him a run down to get his opinion?