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    We've decided to put a t.v. in our barn to watch the  Then they can't say we brushed them 100 times I swear!
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    We went back when they first started and then didn't have anyone the right age to go...and it had really grown when we started back.  It is a little expensive-$75 per head but it is all weekend and good fun.  I recommend it.  We're just about an hour and half.  It's too nice of show being that...
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    I was wondering who has kids.

    Twin 10 yr. old girls, and a 7 (soon to be 8) yr. old daughter.  I'm skeered, too!!  I only have a couple of years until I'm right there w/ Simmymom1.  And I' guessing we'll have triple trouble w/ our three.  Maybe they'll just stay in love w/ their steers.-ha
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    No, anyone can attend.  It's a very nicely done.  They run 4 rings at all times and have a decent size trade show.  Biggest thing there is tying your calves have to walk a ways to get to your trailer usually.  I always say if there not broke before congress they will be after!!  How...
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    I hate to go to anything the weekend before Beef Congress, I wish we could find something about the first or second weekend of Nov.  Guess were just ahead of the game.
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    upcoming shows in MI, OH, IN?

    Me, too.  The ones posted are @ least 5 hrs. away.  I'll take Ill. too if anyone knows of something.  Next one close to me is the Hoosier Beef Congress.
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    Where are all the Junior Nationals being held in 09?

    How many years do they decide in advance and does anybody know where/what will held in 2010...I know Herefords will be in Indiana that year, any others?
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    List of all favorite songs

    We did the rock and country songs...found out who grew up in the 80's--HA!  javascript:void(0);  Oops, that didn't fit w/ that group..was that the 70's?  Let's do everyone's favorite songs--new, old, timeless, traditional-whatever you like to listen to from then, now, or always.
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    Show supplies

    We have added to our string....they just can't quit.  So, if anyone knows of someone who is getting out and has fans, blow dryer, ect. (at this point maybe a bigger trailer) we will be needing them.  And I'm tired of the kids fighting over what we have.  I only thought I'd taught them to share.
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    Where are all the Junior Nationals being held in 09?

    How do I find more information on going...this is our first time with a simmi.
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    Where are all the Junior Nationals being held in 09?

    I heard that Simmi's might be in Iniana...but I have searched some sites and couldn't find anything to "verify" that rumour....Let me know if anyone finds out.  Does simmi's have some kind of regional show?
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    Or when your teaching 6th grade math and they say when will really use this and you immediately apply it to cattle.  Well, kids if you need to know how much grain to feed to your new steer, you will have to figure out what 2-3% of his body weight is or how about the story problem of what your...
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    Good one with the church heels...mine is school shoes, me and the kids.  Or when your daughter has to go straight to the bathroom when we get to school to clean off her backpack because she didn't watch where she through it down in the mad rush to get the feed pans out before we race off to school.
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    Louisville Hotel

    I've had excellent luck with in the past.  It will tell you the rate of the rooms but not the name until you confirm but every time I have used them the hotels have been very nice.  It will also tell you how far from the destination you will be which is nice.
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    Ring worm

    Alrighty....we hadn't had a case of ring worm in A LOT of years but drug it in with one of the calves we bought for this year-hee haw!  Any good remedies to clear it up or hurry it up...someone told me final bloom had worked for them???  What all have ya'll tried and worked?
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    How about when your daughter has her 4th grade field trip to a one room school house for a day and the teacher asks who churned the butter that morning and kids reply...then she asked if they fed the livestock and your kid answers-yeah, but we were running late because the steer wouldn't walk...
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    Feed & Watering

    We feed out of pans all year long too.  Of the morning, we put them in their pen and give them their feed in their pan.  Then, we go in and get ready...about 30-45 min. then take the pan out.  Whatever they eat in that time period is what they get.  Same thing at night before we turn them out. ...
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    Awards at show-idea's

    I am copying and pasting into my word doc. so that I have all of these...thanks so much to everyone for replying.  There are some REALLY good ideas.  Keep them coming, I appreciate the help!javascript:void(0);
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    Awards at show-idea's

    Hi, I am going to suggest updating some of our prizes at next years county fair and thought who better to ask for ideas! Aany new and different ideas on what would be good to give?  What they enjoyed the most as an award or thought would be fun to have? Also, any of the competition things you...