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  1. M

    Whole-Flaked-Cracked What is better?

    What is the better way to feed corn?  Whole - Flaked or cracked? Thanks
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    Semen Supply companies

    Thanks  (clapping)
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    Semen Supply companies

    Help me please!!!!!!!! I need to find the website for GenX  or Genetex  semen supply company out of Montana.  I can not seem to find my brain to figure out exactly what that company is called. Thanks
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    Add a caption - part tres

    "GO TO THE WHIP GO TO THE WHIP" You would only understand coming from a horse racing/training family like myself, or if you are a huge horse racing fan!!!
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    How much grain is to much grain?

    From when I talked to them last, they are reducing the amount of grain and going to feed him 2 times a day. They went and got a mineral lick.  I just want this little girl to make weight with the calf, she has worked hard and gave up all of her other animal projects to do this one so this is...
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    How much grain is to much grain?

    He will not eat if fed 2 times a day, from what she has told me.  That is why she is feeding grain just one time a day. No squirts, regular poo with very little grain in it (but I only saw the poo around 24 hours after he had eaten grain).
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    How much grain is to much grain?

    I am having a conversation with a family that has been in the beef project for 2 years now.  Their calf has only gained 100#'s in the last 104 days.  At this rate they will not make weight for their fair which starts July 23.  She is feeding this calf 37 pounds of grain at night(29#s grain and...
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    leaving cows out in the pasture

    I for one do not believe in abortion, and I believe that some horses need put down. I do not think we should eat them as the bible says something about eating one hoofed aninmals is a no no.  I do however believe that my dog should have the right to eat horse, and I think that the slaughter...
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    Feed does make all the difference!!!

    So I had posted about my daughters shorty steer not eating like he should and just not looking good, and I was blaming the feed, and I think I was right.  We switched to a feed made in Fort Collins and the steer is back on feed and acting like he has been starved.  Which is good since we are a...
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    our girl Red

    Red, I hope you are feeling better!! I bet you had the good ole' flu.  I got it last Feb. started out with what I thought was just a asthma attack from being in the show barn but the inhaler did not work, and then I was coughing so hard that I "got sick".  Then I just colapsed and slept for...
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    National ID Program

    Here in CO to show at state fair we have to have a #.  The thing that stinks is we have to also have tags and I can not get an answer on where we get them.
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    HEY DL!!

    Here is a article - it usually happens in western states where it is dry. One of the most commonly diagnosed bacterial problems in California (and several other western states) is dryland distemper, otherwise known as pigeon fever. This disease is caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis...
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    HEY DL!!

    That looks like Pigeon Fever to me something horses get.  Gross!!
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    HEY DL!!

    I was wondering if you know anything about deer.  There is a doe on our place with a huge lump in her jaw, and when I say huge I mean HUGE, then I saw her again crossing the road and on her opposite side she has another lump on her hip that is no longer covered with hair, it is pink colored. ...
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    Word Association Game

    MMMM  Pork chops!!!
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    Word Association Game

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    Idol-anyone surprised?

    Melinda, just sang to old of songs, had it been the 60's she would have won hands down!! I am rooting for Jordin -  but I like Blake really well too~!!
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    Word Association Game

    Here I Go Again   a very popular White Snake song the year I graduated HS (1987)
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    Word Association Game

    Hives from the cat being in my hat!!