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  1. M

    Word Association Game

    Ringworm - my daughter broke out again!!!!
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    Word Association Game

    Dead sorry to be morbid.
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    Word Association Game

    Hangers to go in the closet...  Thought of other more inappropriate things to say about closets but changed my other mind. OHHH  I have another  Water closet (as in bathroom)
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    You Might be a REDNECK if........

    You have ever hauled livestock in the back of your 2 door car.  (Been there done that)
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    You Might be a REDNECK if........

    Your truck is held together by duct tape and bailing wire.
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    Red: Dog info.

    Starting from the left. Angus - Jack Russel-Shelti- weener dog mix. (Almost got me divorced because he was dog #5). I took him to find him a new home because the person that had the momma dog was taking him to have him put to sleep because he was so shy.  We ended up keeping him because of the...
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    Word Association Game

    county fair....  That is where I vacation every year.  That or Iowa Nebraska or South Dakota looking for our next winner. Anyone been to OK? That is where we are thinking of going this year.
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    Implanting Question

    I am getting ready to order Revalor S, I want to make sure that this is the best implant to use on steers.  What can I expect how soon should I expect it.  Any info at all would be great. Thanks
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    Word Association Game

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    Word Association Game

    Colorado Yellow Jacket is a small town near Craig Colorado in Motuzuma County.
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    name that tune

    The version that i know is from the Eagles. Here is a simple one, so I am only giving you a small line from this popular song that has been a hit on country and pop charts. [b][and she's probably getting frisky.../b]
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    Word Association Game

    Blue    As in Grandmas blue hair
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    Word Association Game

    Do you spread the mint jelly on the lamb? Toast
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    name that tune

    The Who.... Squeeze box....  I had to cheat on the Bases are loaded lyrics, so I will let someone else guess.
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    Ok, so expalin implants to me.  Is there a withdrawl time, do you remove it. I know that it goes somewhere in the tail, helps them grow but that is all I know.  Thanks!!
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    Word Association Game

    NEVER As in Never again.  Said that many times!! 