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  1. CJB

    Embryo splitting

    Mine too!
  2. CJB

    E- Scrabble

  3. CJB

    E- Scrabble

  4. CJB

    Predicting the future

    Don't jump to conclusions...He might already be a $40,000 bull...He was bred by Jerry or Barb Lee of Missouri.  Says he is still owned by them as well, according to the ASA site.  However the Denver catalog has Foreman and Sachau listed as the consignors of the bull to the sale.  Those 2 might...
  5. CJB


    I think you are actually asking about Scarlet and Gray results.  Ohio AGR was held in December 2012. Results for day 1 can be found here. Results for day 2 can be found here.
  6. CJB

    Irish Whiskey Semen

    FREE WHISKEY...He's in the non pictured sires on the select sires website.  I found a picture of him at
  7. CJB

    king meyer

    There are a couple of more mature pictures of him on this ad.  I've never been a huge fan of the bull...Think there are a lot better Meyer sons out there to be used. 
  8. CJB

    E- Scrabble

  9. CJB

    Nominations for the 2012 Bull Bracket

    Meyer 734 Chill Factor EXT 3C Macho Monopoly Eye Candy
  10. CJB

    Hudson Pines Sale Postponed.

    Pretty good info.  Saw on Doug Parke's website that it will be on November 11th @ Reality Farms @ 4:00 PM.  Cattle will be available for viewing anytime after Wednesday November 7 @ Reality Farms.
  11. CJB


    I think lot 1 of Jeff Miller's recent sale was out of WereWolf.  High seller of the sale @ $22000.
  12. CJB

    Stray Kitty?

    I could be wrong, but I believe his dam is actually sired by Stray Kitty.  Here's a link to the bull. If I remember right, he came out of Western Ohio, or Eastern Indiana.
  13. CJB


    Not sure where you are located, but you might want to check with Larry Shafer of Shafer Farms in Eaton, OH.  He used to have a weaned calf program.
  14. CJB

    2012 F350 6.7 L

    Anybody out there have one of these?  Looking seriously into purchasing a crew cab long bed, and I am just looking for some opinions from current owners/drivers of them. Also, does anyone out there happen to have an X-plan friends and family code that they would be willing to part with?  I...
  15. CJB

    Kubota vs John Deere

    Looks like they've got 0% on about all of their models til the end of June.
  16. CJB

    Bulls for Sale

    Bulls for Sale 2 - 2 year old Meyer 734 x TC Freedom bulls for sale. These are 1/2 Simmental, 1/2 Angus bulls that were used last year. 20 + calves on the ground and available for viewing. Sold 6 brothers last year as yearlings, and kept these 2 for personal use.  Also used another full brother...
  17. CJB

    We got some real mature ones on our hands...

    Really?  You're going to get upset over this?  You made the statement in your post. Their use of your words is no different than lots of other news feeds twisting someones words, or do you believe everything you see on TV, or read in printed media?  You just gave them a little more fuel for...
  18. CJB

    red/ white sim bull Papyon?

    I can't remember the distributor, but here is the cane code info. 016SM00315 PAPILLON He was a Salute of Sim-Pol out of RBR Fancy Leggs (Extra x Signal).  ASA# 0892405
  19. CJB

    SimAngus embryos sired by 3C Macho and Meyer 734

    SimAngus embryos sired by 3C Macho and Meyer 734 7A and 7B - 7A is a package of 3 Grade 1 embryos sired by Meyer 734 out of Westward Belle 303W.                   7B is a package of 3 Grade 1 embryos sired by 3C Macho out of Westward Belle 303W. Both of these packages will be for sale at Ohio...