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  1. CJB

    SimAngus Heifer for sale

    SimAngus Heifer for sale Lot 41 - Stella - April 3, 2011 SimAngus heifer for sale at Ohio Beef Expo on Saturday March 17th at noon in Ring 1.  69# BW.  690# WW. 3C Macho x Westward Belle 303W (TC Freedom) Picture taken 1-30-12.  Great disposition on this heifer.  Should make a great bred...
  2. CJB

    SimAngus Bull for sale

    SimAngus Bull for sale Lot 79 - Pretty Boy - April 7, 2011 SimAngus bull for sale at Ohio Beef Expo on Saturday March 17th at noon in Ring 1.  81# BW.  850# WW. Picture taken 1-30-12.  Weight 2-18-12 was 1255.  Catalog is at the below link...
  3. CJB

    Looking for new truck

    Which dealers did you 2 use in TX?  I'm also looking for a new truck, and have been looking at dealers on Ebay, and in TX.  Just curious who you guys used/felt comfortable with.  Feel free to PM me if you don't want to put it in the thread. Thanks.
  4. CJB

    K-State vs KU from the eyes of a 5 year old

    First off, let me say that I am not a K-State or KU fan.  I am a proud Buckeye fan.  However, I think that this little girl is awesome.  I can only hope that one day when I've got kids, they'll have as much Buckeye pride as Emma does for her Powercat...
  5. CJB


    Sure looks like Fortune 500 to me...
  6. CJB

    mineral tub

    I think the product that you are referring to is the Stress Tub.  Comes in a 60# red tub.
  7. CJB

    Show box for sale

    Wish you were closer to Ohio.
  8. CJB

    What clubby bull would work with a purebred Simmy?

    You can go throught the laundry list of popular bulls of the past 10 or so years and find some that will work with PB Simmy cows.  Examples are Who Made Who, Heatwave and/or any of the clones, Monopoly, Eye Candy, Heatseeker.  Any of these bulls could work on PB simmy cows.  A lot of your choice...
  9. CJB

    Anyone else think they've over done Club Calf email blasts?

    I agree.  I bet 75-80% of all mine go straight to my trash folder without me even looking at them.  It is just a little out of hand.  I know its cheaper advertisement that paper, but i have to think that the effectiveness is going to be tremendously less.
  10. CJB

    ~~~Classified Success Stories - Post them here!~~~

    Sold 3 Meyer sons to fullblood in Michigan.  Great transaction!  Everything went smooth and easy.  I doubt that I would have been able to market these bulls to him in any other way than Steerplanet. Also sold another Meyer son to a nonmember that happened to see my ad and call me about the...
  11. CJB

    Who Made Who bull SOLD

    SOLD!  Thanks for all of the interest in this guy. 
  12. CJB

    N/C silly question

    Here's a little more info on Morris...
  13. CJB

    DCC New Look x Meyer 734 and OCC Anchor x Meyer son bulls for sale

    I do have some pics of the OCC Anchor bull.  Please send me your email address and I will get them sent to you ASAP.  Thanks for the interest.
  14. CJB

    looking for a bull

    Wish you lived closer to Ohio...Have 5 Meyer x angus, a New Look x Meyer and an OCC Anchor x Heatseeker/sim.  If you/we can figure out trucking, I'd love to send one of them to you. Thanks.
  15. CJB

    DCC New Look x Meyer 734 and OCC Anchor x Meyer son bulls for sale

    TTT.  Have had some good interest in both of these bulls.  The New Look bull is ready to go out and breed some cows or heifers.  The Anchor is looking like a little truck.  He's really thick for an angus sired bull IMO.  Looking to get them moved soon.  Let me know if you want/need any more...
  16. CJB

    (5) ET full brother Meyer 734 Bulls for sale

    Thanks to Jeff (fullblood) for helping place 3 of these Meyer sons into a herd in Michigan. Still have 5 full brothers available.  PM or call/text me for more info.  740-835-1615
  17. CJB

    Who Made Who bull SOLD

    ttt...price reduced.  PM or call/text 740-835-1615 for more details. Thanks for all of the interest.