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  1. CJB

    Angus Cows: AI Bred

    x2.  Also, any pics of progeny? 
  2. CJB

    A Special Event here at W-T

    Reading this touching story gave me chill bumps.  Terry, you are an amazing individual with a lot of heart.  This is a one of a kind Christmas present that you have given to someone.  And, I'll bet that giving this one present is/was better than any/all of the gifts you have received in your...
  3. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    Little update on the heifer.  Showed her at the NAILE in the Jr. Simangus Show, and she won her class.  Also, just heard back from the ET center, and her dam has been successfully flushed to Macho for full sibs to this heifer.  If anyone is interested in these embryos,  please reply, or PM me...
  4. CJB

    Bowl Pickem Leauge--

    Check out AAOK's post.  There is already one set up on ESPN.  Good luck!
  5. CJB

    monopoly semen

    It jumped to 30 around labor day, and then 40 about a month ago.  I know that there was some that sold for 80 a straw at the Joe Lucas dispersal a couple weeks ago.  Doubtful that it is coming down anytime soon, if ever.
  6. CJB

    How about them Hawkeyes!

    Won at OH ST?  Not yet they haven't.  Not going to say it won't happen, but it hasn't yet.  Last time they won in OH Stadium was in 1991.  Last time they beat OSU was in 2004.  I think what I am trying to say here, is don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  7. CJB

    lot 17 of joe lucas dispersal

    I had the same thought as you until I went to the sale.  When they know that there are 4 opens, that had been listed as breds in the catalog, that means there has been someone in there to pregcheck.  I do not know if they just confirmed that the cows were bred or open, or if they also were...
  8. CJB

    Lowline Breeders

    Sounds like a good idea...hmmmm....  Please keep SP up to date on how well this works for you.  Could be a great way to get rid of some major problems on 1st calf heifers, while increasing the size of the lowline herd here in the US.  Thanks.
  9. CJB

    AI sires that make good replacement cows

    I'd definitely try some 3C Macho on the Maine influenced cattle.  Not too sure about using him on the sim influenced, unless they are low percentage (3/8 or less).  It could work, or it could be a disaster.  An old standby for those Sim influenced cows is Who Made Who. Good Luck!! (thumbsup)
  10. CJB

    lot 17 of joe lucas dispersal

    On the same lines, is she really bred to HW, or is it going to be a calf out of the cleanup bull?  I wasn't too sure on how to read the catalog on the breeding dates.  Let us know.
  11. CJB

    Video: College Football Fans- Thoughts on actions of Florida LB????

    Nice catch RSC.  I didn't get to watch the game.  I think there should be a definite suspension of the LB, but doubt it will happen since he plays in the SEC.  If a Big Ten guy did that, he'd get suspended.
  12. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    Do you have any pics?  DOB?  Dam information...etc. Thanks
  13. CJB

    In Memory of LARRY CAMPBELL...."The MAN Behind the Bull"

    I've got to give Reiter and the PrimeTime crew a hand.  Before the Lucas dispersal started today, there was a moment of silence in honor of Mr. Campbell.  (clapping) We've lost another great one.  Rest in Peace Larry.
  14. CJB

    BB RND #3 Travler 6807 (61) over OCC Anchor 771A (45)

    Ouch.  That's no good.  Sorry to hear that.  :'(
  15. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    She's not from the Foundation Female sale.  She is out of our donor.  16 sibs by Meyer 734 are coming in March.  Cow is at the ET center to be flushed to Macho. Thanks again for the compliment.
  16. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    The Freedom that her dam is out of is the Angus bull TC Freedom 104.  She is a 1/2 blood Simm 1/2 blood Angus.  Also, thanks for the compliment.  Hopefully she will make a great cow and a decent show heifer.