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  1. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    Thanks for the compliment.  Which pic does everyone like better?  Top or bottom?  Also, does she stand a chance in the show ring, or should we just do as TMJ has said?  I think she'll make a whale of a momma cow too, but hopeful she could be shown with some success as well.
  2. CJB

    3C Macho pics

    Curious as to what SP members think of this 3C Macho x TC Freedom heifer.  Thanks for your opinions.  I know she needs to be cleaner fronted, but she is a 1/2 blood simmental.   Edit:  Forgot the performance side of it. Birthdate on the heifer is 3/2/09.  Weight on 10-17-09 was 895...
  3. CJB

    GREAT set of ANGUS cows

    I'd like this info as well.  Thanks.
  4. CJB

    Best Simmental Bulls right now

    Another newbie to keep an eye on and ear to the ground for is Jade's Dreamworks.  Cows bred to him, and calves sired by him were HOT at the Triple C dispersal.  He may end up being a dud, but there is some potential for greatness with the combination of Dream On and 734.
  5. CJB

    Ohio Issue 2

    While you may in fact be exactly right, Ohio is just trying to take an active stance against the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  HSUS has told OH organizations, such as Ohio Farm Bureau, that they are coming to fight Ohio Agriculture, by trying to get all cage free chickens, and...
  6. CJB

    Hello All!

    (welcome)  Have a great time here!  <band>
  7. CJB

    Triple C Sale

    Just booked a hotel room last night.  Going to make the drive from Ohio.
  8. CJB

    BB RND II OCC Anchor (57) over NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT (50)

    (:)) I'm in that younger generation, and I, for one, don't really care for NI.  I love Anchor females, especially when mated on those good PB and 1/2 blood Simmis.  They make some dandy cows.
  9. CJB

    Shorthorn, Simmi, and a SimmiXAngus For Sale

    Why isn't this in classifieds?
  10. CJB

    Custom fitter needed

    <cowboy> Still looking.  Any more help out there?
  11. CJB

    Famous Bull - Rare Photo?

    Has to be 734...Where did you find this photo?  I'd love to see the whole ad that it came from, if it came from an ad.  Thanks.
  12. CJB

    Heat Seeker OWNER in BIG TROUBLE!!!

    Same here.  (:)) Is there anything happening to help out?
  13. CJB

    EQ solutions vs. EZ-all

    This is one of the biggest problems that I have seen with people using the EZ All.  They rinse the animal first then apply the product.  That's not the way that it is intended to be used.  It works quite well for me when it is used properly.  We use the same procedure as Cattledog...use the...
  14. CJB

    Custom fitter needed

    That was the first phone call I made.  Chan had done some custom work in the past for us, and we had been extremely happy with the job he and his crew had done.  Unfortunately, Chan said that they no longer do any of the custom work.  I was shocked, and that's why I am now on the hunt to find...
  15. CJB

    tank and semen all as a package for sale

    Please PM with all quantities and price on both individual sires and the whole lot. Thanks.
  16. CJB

    Custom fitter needed

    Have a March 09 registered Simangus heifer that we want to show at NAILE in the JR show.  I'm looking for someone to take her in now to put the final touches on her before the middle of November.  She is already broke, has been shown and won, is weaned, and is eating like a pig.  I'm located in...
  17. CJB

    For our resident lowline breeders

    And anyone else who is just curious....
  18. CJB

    Highland County show tomorrow

    Who ended up judging?  Who won?  What looked good that didn't win.