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  1. CJB

    tow rigs

    I wonder how many people will have this same attitude?  I feel Ford has given themselves the opportunity to create a new customer base of loyal buyers as long as they produce a quality product, thanks to their braintrust not taking any of the "bailout" $$$.  I've always been a Ford fan myself...
  2. CJB

    Nasc Takes grand

    Congrats on the win!!!  Glad to see a year of hard work come together for you!  Sounds like your daughter is one heckuva showman as well!! If you don't mind me asking, where did the champion hog originate? 
  3. CJB

    Non-Cattle Websites you Visit

    Facebook Myspace Yahoo JJHuddle - Ohio HS Sports site Craigslist Ebay KYDTR - Kentucky Diesel site Along with other work related sites throughout the day
  4. CJB

    Highland County Ohio Feeder Show

    Anyone know any info about the open class feeder show @ Highland County?  When is it, check in time, who is judging...etc...??  Thanks in advance.
  5. CJB

    Purvine's sale

    It is on liveauctions without subscription.
  6. CJB

    Purvine's sale

    Anybody watching Purvine's sale?  Wondering what lots 1-14 brought.  Also 28-29-30.
  7. CJB

    Nope, I can't get on in Ohio either.
  8. CJB

    Tagging Recips

    That's what I was wanting to hear.  All of these cows already have in herd tags that I know them by.  I have seen many recips with the mating and due date on seperate tags in recips, and I just didn't want to have to do this if it wasn't necessary.  Looks like I'll be doing the individual herd...
  9. CJB

    Tagging Recips

    When implanting embryos, do you always tag the recips with information pertaining to the mating?  If so, what kind of information do you put on the tag?  Most of the embroys going in will be one mating, but I am curious as to what others do in this situation. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  10. CJB

    Goretska Barn Part 1 Video Up!

    The barn that Bauer's in Urbana, OH used to work out of was nice in its heydey.  I'm not sure who owns it now, but it was definitely the cream of the crop.
  11. CJB

    New site to me

    Pretty sure that the Williams girls from Ranch House Designs took that over not too long ago.  Looks like they are making some good progress on the site.  (clapping)  Hopefully we'll see more and more good things from this site, but my favorite thing on it now is the educational tab.  Gives a...
  12. CJB

    Heatseeker Cow

    Pale Face works awfully well on HS cows. Hairy Bear is another option.  Champ steer @ NAILE 2008 was a Hairy Bear x HS. Best thing about both of these bulls is that they are TH/PHA free.  No worries about having dead TH calves.  May still end up with calves that are  carriers, but they'll be...
  13. CJB

    anyone herd anything about the bull Apocalypse

    I don't think J3 owns this bull.  That bull is Catalyst.  I'm not sure about the Apocalypse bull, but the pic looks good.
  14. CJB

    Meyer 734 bull for sale

    Yes still for sale.  Thanks for your interest.  I've sent you a PM.
  15. CJB

    What Is The Bes TRAILER?

    I agree with everything said above.  Love our Eby.  Had it since 93 or 94.  Still looks like new with a powerwashing.
  16. CJB

    Used shippers

    How much should I expect to pay for a used shipper?  MVE 4/2 or 4/3.  What about the protective cover?  Thanks in advance.
  17. CJB

    Foreplay cow

    Haven't there been some pretty successful Heatseeker x Foreplay calves?
  18. CJB


    If you want to make sim x angus replacements, then try to find some Meyer 734 semen.  It seems to have leveled off in price in recent sales.
  19. CJB

    Meyer 734 bull for sale

    Weighed the bull on 5-6-09.  1705#  Bull has never been pushed on grain, and really looks ready to go out and get the job done.  As soon as the weather breaks, I'll post pictures.  This guy really needs to find a nice set of angus or mainexangus cows where someone is wanting to make replacements.
  20. CJB

    Meyer 734 bull for sale

    Have an 18 month old bull for sale.  He is an ET Calf.  We have not had the cow DNA'd yet for the purpose of registering this calf. Pedigree is Meyer 734 X Westward Belle 303W  (TC Freedom x Larks Canyon) Here is a link the angus website.  Her registration # is 14419372.  Thanks for looking...