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  1. cowz

    Should I buy a HALF CHUTE? Help...Advise needed

    Ditto on the comments on the half chute-----NOT for unbroke or fidgety calves......if you only get one chute, get the full chute!  But...we have one and love it....we take one of each.. It is great to hold a calf that is done being fitted or a calf between classes....really handy!
  2. cowz

    Eye Candy and Naughty Pine (debate)

    We have had both and like the Eye Candy calves.  Most of the Eye Candy females we have kept have made great mothers.  None of the Naughty Pine heifers made it past the sift for replacements.  JMHO
  3. cowz

    Sullivan's Sale Results

    Well stated and it is great to be outstanding in a field of one.
  4. cowz

    84th NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION Callin all FFA Member!

    That is so exciting and they will come home soooo motivated and full of fun stories.  It is the experience of a lifetime!
  5. cowz

    84th NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION Callin all FFA Member!

    Congratulations to all of you receiving your awards and degrees.  My youngest is out there now......say hi to the Colorado kids from the Douglas County and Limon chapters!
  6. cowz

    Looking for a ride for 2 heifers from Colo/NewMexico/Kansas to New Braunfels, TX

    I sold a pair of heifers into Central Texas.  I am looking for a ride for them in the next couple of weeks.  Anyone hauling cattle in that direction?
  7. cowz

    livestock saying and quotes

    This is a saying of my grandfather, who really was born in 1891 and died when he was 103.....I really do think it relates to the livestock industry... "It takes money to make money".    So sad yet true.
  8. cowz

    Feed room and the pet mice that live there.......

    Thanks to all for the great suggestions!  Here is a picture someone sent me for a redneck mouse trap.  We are going to build one this weekend.  You put peanut butter on the lower side of the bottle.  When the mouse tries to get to the pb, he slides off into the bucket of water.
  9. cowz

    Feed room and the pet mice that live there.......

    It must be going to be a rough winter.  This fall is the worst for mice I have ever seen.  I am wondering if any of you have any "OUT OF THE BOX" tricks besides Decon and Bar Bait, for discouraging or repelling mice. I have been using spray foam and steel wool to seal cracks and keep feed...
  10. cowz

    Joke for the day..not cattle related

    Best joke for 2011 so far..... George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for.  The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes.  When he is...
  11. cowz

    Canada Shorthorn People.

    Wouldn't it be fun and cool!?!?    Imagine the open and lively discussions that could be had (without the snarky remarks) if we all had a positive outlook and an open mind?
  12. cowz

    politness-or need to be

    Great topic...see I told you this would produce some "Golden Kernals" takes all kinds......BUT IT IS SO MUCH MORE FUN TO HANG OUT WITH CATTLE PEOPLE!
  13. cowz

    My thoughts on the bickering!

    I am not trying to be judgemental.....maybe just getting on my soapbox for a minute. Sometimes in this just gets too complicated.  Life is so simple.  Just live for what you believe in.  We each and every one of us has a different take on what we like, love and what makes us...
  14. cowz

    James H Leachman Please read

    This is a good character lesson to take to heart.  My father would often remind us kids "The eyes of man are never full."  If you havent looked at the Good Book for awhile, please look at Proverbs 27:20. Sometimes ego, pride, ambition and greed take us from a good place down a sad road of no...
  15. cowz

    Who's going to Denver

    Will be there off and on for the next 2 weeks....going tomorrow to catch up with the Red Angus and Guppies, Hubby will be up Monday and Tuesday to clip Guppies and Herfs, be back all weekend with market lambs, then back again next weekend for the prospects.  Stop by the Pfizer trailer at 1pm...
  16. cowz

    Be careful what you bring home

    Ok, I do not really fit everybody else's situation.   I live at 7300 feet and it is always cold at night.   Cockroaches do not survive here.   I have a huge phobia of bringing home bugs in my luggage from traveling all over, (especially warmer climates!)  Always freaked about finding roaches in...
  17. cowz

    kids and stupidity

    Are you helping the Brad and Carol show?
  18. cowz

    kids and stupidity

    Norma, just wait, gets even better!