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  1. cowz

    Come out to Colorado!

    We are having a club calf sale with other area breeders.  If you need to get away......come out and visit us! If you need a virtual vacation, check out our sites: and our catalog / online sale info at I have talked to several of...
  2. cowz

    Has anyone been following the USDA hearings on GIPSA?

    Troy Marshall of Burlington Colorado is a fellow Colorado State grad and a brilliant agricultural writer / columnist.  I always love to hear what he has to say about politics and how it relates to the current cattle industry. If you are interested in the GIPSA proceedings, here is an article I...
  3. cowz

    Congress continues to be out of touch with American Ag! (Caution: Rant/NC)

    My pet peeve are the Salazar brothers from southern Colorado.  Ken Salazar was hand chosen by obama to be Sec. of the Interior.  John Salazar is up for reelection for Congress. Both Democrats who are from farm communities.  These 2 career politicians could not give a rats a$$ about real farmers...
  4. cowz

    Congress continues to be out of touch with American Ag! (Caution: Rant/NC)

    No, I have not been living in a cave. My point is, call or write your house reps and your senators on some of the key issues up for decisions in the near future! Estate tax for ranchers and farmers is critical.  The immigration thing is huge.  Cap and trade could make some ag...
  5. cowz

    Congress continues to be out of touch with American Ag! (Caution: Rant/NC)

    I have been listening to the progression / comedy / joke of the House of Representatives' hearing on Farm Jobs and Immigration this morning. SHAME on Congresswoman Loughgrin (sp) for inviting Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert as an EXPERT witness on farm labor!  (He spent one day visiting farm...
  6. cowz

    Adjusting birthdates on Purebred cattle

    I was in DENIAL about my age for so long that when someone asks me how old I am, I have to pull out a pencil and do the math!
  7. cowz

    need naming help with spicifics

    Norma...think out of that weather that you are a child of the 80's and call one "Xanadu"......or was Olivia Newton John banned up north!?!?!? ;D  <band>
  8. cowz

    ROAD WARRIOR on the Red road again

    Thank you for the update.    Did anybody at the conference discuss the new "RangeFire" composite (Charolais X Red Angus)?  That is kind of starting to catch on here in a small way.
  9. cowz

    What's your favorite cold weather clothes?

    Under 30 degrees:  sweats under insulated bib overalls, with another hoodie and a carhart jacket .....if wind is polar fleece Elmer Fudd hat. ;)
  10. cowz

    Word Association Game

  11. cowz


    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. This has been moved by member request.
  12. cowz

    Angus genetic defects?

    OK, you shamed me into finding it is called "Right Heart Failure". This is an article that describes the difference between it and HMD (high mountain disease). In the feedlot there's a disease with similar symptoms to HMD that some veterinarians prefer to call Right Heart...
  13. cowz

    Angus genetic defects?

    NO, what I am asking about is NOT brisket disease. What I have heard is that this new one is a "weak heart" issue that presents itself in feedlot cattle.   PAP is pulmonary edema, which is different and has to do with blood pressure aggravated by high elevations.  These are 2 different conditions.
  14. cowz

    Angus genetic defects?

    Nope.  You have found PAP or "high mountain disease" or commonly referred to as "brisket disease".  Which afflicts primarily angus cattle, but can afflict other British breeds as well.  We are very familiar with it in Colorado and Wyoming .  It can be a problem over 5000-6000 ft. elevation. We...
  15. cowz

    Angus genetic defects?

    I have been hearing some scuttlebut about a new genetic condition now starting to express itself within the angus breed. I know about Curly Calf, Fawn Calf Syndrome and Hydrocephalus, but I have heard that there is some kind of heart condition in Angus feedlot cattle that is now being looked...
  16. cowz

    ROAD WARRIOR on the Red road again

    When you get back, post some of your opinions, observations and sale results.!!!  Please? Have fun, kiddo!
  17. cowz

    Fustration with Husband!

    That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the start of FOOTBALL season?????  :)
  18. cowz

    custom ear tags Can set up any message or have tags you can customize yourself with a dremel tool.  Great tags, have used them for 20 years!
  19. cowz

    Adjusting birthdates on Purebred cattle

    That one reminds me of the the breeder, who when I asked him who the heifer was out of.....replied......"Who do you want her to be out of?".  Oh, man!  It was over for me right then!  We said, thanks for letting us look at your calves and we were GONE!    YIKES!   
  20. cowz

    Adjusting birthdates on Purebred cattle

    Great comment!  Or the same concept holds true with bull "calves" that are building a crest on their neck!  Those are usually about 7+ months out of their actual class!  What was that really old commercial?  YOU CAN"T FOOL MOTHER NATURE!