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  1. cowz

    Fustration with Husband!

    I do not want to start a full scale war here between women and men.   I love men! I am married to one. ( For 25 fun and sometimes not so fun years.)  I grew up in a house full of men.  I currently live in a family of all guys!   IT IS A MAN'S WORLD!    ;D However, living in a man's world...
  2. cowz

    MOVED: Looking for a Steer For National Western

    This topic has been moved to Steer Planet Co-op. by member request
  3. cowz

    MOVED: Red Roundup Consignment - Oct 23rd - Red Deer Alberta Canada

    This topic has been moved to Steer Planet Co-op. moved to classifieds by request of steer planet member
  4. cowz

    MOVED: PB Angus Steer Land of Lincoln sells Sept. 12th in Olson Show Cattle Sale

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. By member request, moved to classifieds
  5. cowz

    MOVED: S&J CATTLE CO videos

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. Moved by member requests
  6. cowz


    We have a smokey calf out of a PB charolais x bojo.  Big cow, but BW around 90.  If your 2nd calf heifer is in good condition, but not too fat, I think she should be ok considering that none of the Bojo calves we raised so far have been monsters.  I looked in our book, most were 85-88 lbs.
  7. cowz

    Shane Bedwell

    Have someone with a Nebraska cap tail him in the ring.   NO not do that...haha. He is out of one of the best judging programs in the country, and will make a logic placing He should want what every market steer judge should want,,,,,,honest muscle, dimension, finish, soundness, eye...
  8. cowz

    temple grandin movie

    She is opposite of the big blond one in about every possible way.  Shame on you .....haha
  9. cowz

    Irrational fears

    Frostback, you will love this one. My oldest son is petrified of heights.  He came by this fear honestly.  When he was about 5 years old, the "friends"  "watching" him at the National Western held him upside down over the edge of the catwalk in the yards. He is 20 now and still wont walk over...
  10. cowz

    Spring Heifer calf Judging Class 2010: Volume 2

    Mr. have been so quiet lately! Nice, nice set of heifers.  I like each one for a different reason individually.  Almost impossible to sort without seeing them on the move!
  11. cowz

    simple math

    HAS ANYONE ON HERE SUCCESSFULLY PURCHASED SEMEN ON THIS BULL???????? We tried when the ad came out this spring.  Called the bull stud where he was collected and they said they could not release any straws.  Left messages with both "owners" and they never returned our phone calls. Gave up.  Why...
  12. cowz

    funny for the day!!!

    You have just won my award for the BEST CLEAN JOKE OF THE YEAR.
  13. cowz

    Favorite thing to do on a farm or ranch?

    So many things.....watching  the new calves run and play with their tails over their backs.....the smell of newly cut meadow sweat!........sitting on the porch swing with ice tea and watching the sun set...... :)
  14. cowz

    MOVED: Free half interest in steer for Eastern States Beef show & sale

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. By request from Steer Planet members, this has been moved to clasiifieds.
  15. cowz

    Cleanin' out the showbox......

    And by the way, I learned a long time that holey underwear DO NOT go to the shop for grease really looks bad when there is greasey underwear laying around the shop floor.  :)
  16. cowz

    Cleanin' out the showbox......

    A couple years ago, I found a tub of bubble gum and some tootsie pops from the year before........everybody in the barn still took em!  Wonder how many chipped teeth that caused!?
  17. cowz

    Please Keep Advertising in the Classifieds

    bump by the request of several
  18. cowz

    MOVED: Hope to see you all at Club Calf Paradise!

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds. This topic has been moved to classifieds by the request of several steerplanet members.
  19. cowz

    mosque on hallowed ground

    In our Amish and Mennonite communities who enjoy religious freedom, they can just "shun" those who do not conform.  Are we really being "too tolerant" when Sharia law demands stoning for non conformists?  If other religious groups treated their women as bad as the muslims do, they would have...
  20. cowz

    Cleanin' out the showbox......

    I was cleaning out the show box from the last show, getting ready for state fair......ewwww, found a pair of wet socks, 2 weeks old. (argue) What is the most "unusual item" you have had left behind in the show box from your family or crew.???