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  1. cowz

    STATE FAIR FARE>>>>not cattle related....

    Navajo taco.....its like a monster sopapilla with meat, beans, guacamole, cheese and will last you all day ....
  2. cowz

    mosque on hallowed ground

    If you read about fundamental Islam, the tradition is to build a mosque at the site of a victory over your enemies.  Note that there is now a mosque at the site of the first Israelite temple in Jerusalam.   Have we gotten so blind and politically correct that we cannot see what is right in...
  3. cowz

    white heifer disease

    I might be off on a tangent, but in our experience the all white shorties, with light pigment are a handful.  They seem more nervous and take longer to halter break.  Our last white show heifer was a true psycho.  I am sticking to the beautiful caped red roans.
  4. cowz

    STATE FAIR FARE>>>>not cattle related....

    Everybody is headed out to the state fair....and everybody has to wander out of the barn for a snack at least once..........what's your favorite all time state fair junk food? Mine is a blast from the past.... A "Tubby burger" from the South Dakota State Fair.
  5. cowz

    one thing you could change

    I started with class with a free and easy moving female.....(as you listen to her hocks and joints CLICK and POP as she hobbles around the ring!)  <beer>
  6. cowz

    Lowline X Clubby genetics

    The kids that do that here have a hard time making weight and it will harder when the minimum weight moves up to 1150 in 2 years.  The half  lowline calves I have seen here get really "cresty" looking when finished, so not as eye appealing with that fat, crested neck as the other half maine...
  7. cowz

    4-h leader

    Great observation.  You got down to the root of many problems with the local ag programs, having fair boards with personal agendas and egos, rather than working together for the benefit and education of the kids.  BUT the reality is that you can never get rid of that dead wood because the good...
  8. cowz

    4-h leader

    Facebook is an open forum, but it also can be printed out!   A private citizen can bash any one they want.   But when you take on the responsibility of being a 4H leader, you really should grow up and rise to a level of respectability!!!!    Provide a copy of this public rant to your extension...
  9. cowz

    Any well (water) experts on here

    Talk to your well driller about dropping the submersible.  Your aquifer is not providing static underground recharge.  Are you within a couple miles of a town well or irrigation well?  With the heat and possible lack of precipitation your well is not refilling fast enough to meet your demand...
  10. cowz

    MOVED: The Great Shorthorn Revival consignment

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds.  By steer planeteer's request.
  11. cowz

    Boning Legs for Blow and Go Show

    I am thinking hairspray would be an adhesive.  Work your leg hair at home and will have some body in a blow and go.
  12. cowz

    I dont want to offend any hiefers Are there any calves named afterSnookee?

    If you happen to purchase a heifer named after the NJ Snookie, you better have her tested for BVD, Brucellosis, Trich......teehee
  13. cowz

    What ever happened to honest judges

    I really have not been living under a rock.   I just decided to throw a rock yesterday.  That kind of crap used to be much more subtle, and was primarily done at state fairs and at the national level.   But when it is so blatent that even a 9 year old can say.....oh yeah, Sally is showing my...
  14. cowz

    We are off to see the Wizard.....and maybe buy a showcalf or 2 along the way.

    Awww, Matt.......!  Lets just tell some Nebraska jokes instead..ha!
  15. cowz

    What ever happened to honest judges

    Those would be the ones fresh out of college......before the " I bought a calf from your brother, you owe me bunch" gets ahold.  If in doubt, hire a young judge with a true cattle background. Interestingly, a large group of people boycotted the largest jackpot show in Colorado this summer over...
  16. cowz

    MOVED: Sunseeker Heifer For Sale

    This topic has been moved to Classifieds.
  17. cowz

    Nebraska State Fair

    It has been a lot of years since we have shown at Neb. State Fair, but I would much prefer being in Grand Island than Lincoln.  Just my personal preference!
  18. cowz

    Bojo Calves

    We have an awesome BOJO heifer calf this year.  Tons of bone, hair and the look.  She will be in our Breeder's World online sale on September 28.  Matt, you missed the boat by not stopping by!
  19. cowz

    Very sad news.. re: Herefordfootball - Chris Cummings...

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Cummings family.  Chris was a special young person who will be missed.  We all know that he and Red are chatting together in a better place. 
  20. cowz

    Word Association Game
