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  1. cowz


    "I'm going to graze my way to DC and then head butt Nancy Pelosi!"
  2. cowz


    Here's one that our own Knabe will like.... Be creative!
  3. cowz

    You name the caption.....

    Please see the post about Bovine News from the Copenhagen greenhouse gas summit.
  4. cowz

    Scientific Bovine News, Direct from the New World Order in Copenhagen!

    In case you need this chart to do some pasture stocking computations!
  5. cowz

    You name the caption.....

    Back by sheer boredom......You supply the caption!
  6. cowz

    Genetics on line sale results

  7. cowz

    Don't Blame Cattle for Climate Change!

    Chicago style politics has gone National and now thanks to the folks in Norway and Copenhagen......our fearless leader is going global....and to show how serious he him circumvent Congress and single handedly redirect the EPA to stick it to industry and agriculture.    >:(
  8. cowz

    Don't Blame Cattle for Climate Change!

    Interesting article: BEEF Daily Quick Fact: Leading authorities agree that, in the U.S., raising cattle and pigs for food accounts for about 3 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, while transportation creates an estimated 26 percent. (Source: UC Davis) Amanda Nolz December 10th, 2009 Well...
  9. cowz

    Alcohol mixed with Junior shows, 4-H, FFA, etc, etc,....not cattle related

    Seems like we all know a guy like this...... Click on DUI Stop It's hard not to laugh.....but these guys are sometimes the ones that teenagers cant help but idolize. ;D
  10. cowz

    How cold before you start plugging in your truck

    Thats not funny.......kind of like driving off the gas pumps with the handle still in your tank!    Good Advice! :)
  11. cowz

    How cold before you start plugging in your truck

    Zero with no wind,  Around 10 with wind.  And yes, this cold snap has lasted toooooo long!
  12. cowz

    Alcohol mixed with Junior shows, 4-H, FFA, etc, etc,....not cattle related

    I guess that I should make the comment that I hope I do not sound like an old prude!  I enjoy sitting on the tailgate of a pick up with a cold one, too.  And I have done this in front of my kids. BUT, the point I am trying to make is that these kids IDOLIZE their leaders, fitters, coaches. ...
  13. cowz

    Alcohol mixed with Junior shows, 4-H, FFA, etc, etc,....not cattle related

    Locally, in our Jr. Breed Assoc. meeting, we got into a great discussion.   Why is it that everybody feels it is OK for drinks to be consumed in the middle of the day in the show barn at a show designed to be specifically geared to those under 21.  At a junior national we recently attended, beer...
  14. cowz

    MOVED: Looking for bull calf

    This topic has been moved to Steer Planet Private Treaty Sale.
  15. cowz


    2012 will be the end of the world when we become socialists........I know, I know, I know......shaddup cowz!
  16. cowz

    My Sympathy To Road Warrior - INFO

    Stu, I am holding you and your family in my heart.  May God give you strength and peace in the days ahead.  I know I speak for the entire steerplanet family when I say that we think so very much of you and yours.  I am sorry and we will be praying for you.  MS
  17. cowz

    Happy birthday

    Terry, Yesterday was a totally beautiful day here in high altitude tornado alley!!!  Blue skys, no wind, no clouds, lots of turkey!!!! We hope you had a great day yesterday to enjoy your birthday!!!!  What was that you say??  39 and holding???!!!!    Me too! Happy Birthday...hope you...
  18. cowz

    marks thread

    Mark, please do not be upset or discouraged.  MY MAILBOX WAS FLOODED WITH REQUESTS TO PULL THESE THREADS!  And it was appropriate to do so.  We do a lot of cussin' and discussin' on the planet, but we do not call out people by name.  That is what a personal pm is for. I despise unethical...
  19. cowz


    Happy Thanksgiving Gang!  Just put 2 pumpkin pies in the oven and have an apple pie on deck.  Who else is getting up at 6 to stuff a bird?
  20. cowz

    No Apologies.. N/C

    I visited the American WWII cemetary shown above in the Netherlands this past summer.   Awe inspiring.   The Dutch people that were also visiting there knew they were in the presence of a busload of Americans and were very polite, friendly and appreciative.  What also amazed me is that there...