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  1. P

    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Snapped some more pictures with my phone while checking cows this evening.  These four are all from the same dam line. Oldest to Youngest, U model, Z model, C model, D model
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Thanks Duncraggan, I will try to post some more pictures as I get around to taking them.
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Was able to snap a picture of one of the young cows while checking minerals yesterday.  I actually had my phone with me.
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    Snapped a pic with my phone of the current bull. His sire is RS DV 034 329 08. MGS is Waukaru Goldmine 2109. MGGS is Shadybrook Scotty 83K. The thread below has a picture of his dam and grandma as well as one of him at 7 months...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    I am interested in easy calving bulls consistently producing moderate framed, fertile, functional, good footed females that can perform in a grass, hay (Bahia) and mineral environment on the Alabama Gulf Coast with longevity.  The cattle are starting to take the shape of a line bred blend of...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    I would like to hear your thoughts and/or experience with following bulls.  What do you consider their strengths and weaknesses?  What do you like and/or not like about them? MURIDALE RAW HIDE 6E...
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    17th Annual Who's Your Daddy Shorthorn Bull & Female Sale

    Great group of bulls this year.  If I was in the market, I would be looking at lot 5 and lot 13.
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    HC Power Drive 88H

    The clone is $15 at Cattle Visions.  I saw that on April 22, 2019 the Black and Red LLC - Semen Sale Online Only had 3 straws listed for $190 each. Just curious has anyone used the Power Drive Clone?  If so...
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    Club calf bull maximilian

    Herrings Maxi Million H A R Reg: AAA 12537655 Carried by SEK (Genetic Horizons) a son of G C C Maxi Million 1105 This is another maximillion not sure if it is the one or not??
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    Anybody remember the 2 old bulls Byland Pattern and Bylands Big Bud.  They were full brothers pretty much on different ends of the spectrum.
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    pedigree software

    Used the dog software, it is fairly simply. It also includes software for livestock and horses. It can be time consuming but you an use stand setting or tailor to track things of interest to you.
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    Semen Tank Info??

    Looking at buying a new Semen Tank. Currently, have an old LINDE XR16 TANK from ABS but it only has 3 canisters.  Looking for advice or reviews/experience on the tanks below. CT-20 Semen Tank MVE SC 20/20 Semen Tank Worthington AI24 MVE XC 20 Signature
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    A pretty much all red Shorthorn bull that sired class winners

    I found scotty to consistently throw low birthweights or at least moderate birthweights with good calving ease. I don't remember ever assisting  a scotty calf at birth or assistting a scotty daughter In my opinion, he was a bull that should have seen more use
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    Keeping replacement hfrs out of first calf hfrs?

    I personally do not like to keep replacements out of first-calf heifers.  They have not proven themselves functional in production.  I sometimes make exceptions but on the whole, I prefer one to have had 2 or 3 calves before keeping a replacement.  I may lose some genetics progress but the way I...
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    Muridale Raw Hide 6 E

    I like Muridale Raw Hide 6E, but I also like these 3 guys
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    double muscling

    Can anyone shed any light on the Missence variants?  They are said to increase muscularity and reduce external and intramuscular fat, with no change in birth weight. Does anyone have any more information or specifics about these : D182N F94L S105C
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    double muscling

    Bumping this old thread up since the thread is discussing myostatin genes.
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    Newest article release.
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    I did not think you were being critical.  In fact you are correct that for the most part terminal traits and maternal do not really mix.  In truth, if someone claims cattle line "xyz" can do it all they have a line that really does nothing well.  That being said there has to be acceptable...
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    That is the reason I used the terms adequate growth and carcass.  In my opinion, maternal traits should be first and foremost but the resulting calves must still have reasonable or adequate  growth, muscle, and carcass traits to be commercially viable even in a crossbreeding situation.