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  1. P

    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    Sue, The first pic is from a couple of years ago.  The bull in that pic is her calf by Goldmine 2109, which is the sire of her current calf.  Mark the Mel-bar 347 calves came little and grew like crazy. Most of the females did not survive getting culled.  The particular dam line she goes back...
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    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with Sue about a calf I am keeping back to observe.  I was able to snap a photo with my cell phone yesterday. 
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    Is she worth the work? Opinions

    Not really meaning to be grumpy or kill the fun.  As an Ag. teacher I have seen similar story lines from parents about last not being acceptable.  In many cases, the kid misses out on lessons such as how to be gracious in winning and in losing.  Some of the best lessons are the ones you learn at...
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    Commercial Shorthorn Bull

    count me out too, i usually wear work boots or rubber boots, old blue jeans and a raggedy t-shirt
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    Commercial Type Cattle Discussion

    A breed need not excel at growth, carcass and maternal, but it needs to be "good enough at all these areas but it should excel at one area in particular. As for as the commercial cattle the area that affects the bottom line the most is maternal, meaning environment adapted, fertile cows with...
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    Commercial Type Cattle Discussion

    I agree we are educated that a cow should wean 50% of her body weight and that sounds good sitting around on a forum or classroom.  In reality,  the commercial guy likes the KISS principle, that is why you have to so many black hided breeds. "Black year in and out does not take a price cut, so...
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    Commercial Type Cattle Discussion

    My idea of commercial cattle: 1.  Moderate females (frame 5-6.5)  1100-1400 lbs. 2. Calve unassisted (calf weights 70-85 lbs.) 3. Teats should be sized such that newborn calf can nurse 4. Have 1st calf by 2 yrs and thereafter every 12 months until age 10. 5. Wean a calf that roughly weighs 100...
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    Commercial Type Cattle Discussion

    Bedrock "I/ d like to hear everyone describe "commercial " type cattle." I am starting this thread after reading some talk on the Everyone jump in and post their definition for themselves and their environment.
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    Shorthorn Blood Percentages Registration?

    Our shorthorns started with a bull purchased iaround 89 or 90. We kept many hiefers but registered none of them.  In 99 we bought some heifers and a bull in addition to beginning AI. This was the beginning of registered and appendix breeding up.  Most  all my cattle have an extra generation of...
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    Shorthorn Blood Percentages Registration?

    Is the Shorthorn blood percentage chart being used anymore or is it out the window?  The reason I ask is if you go by the chart a 15/16 bull bred to a 7/8 cow results in a 15/16 calf non-appendix registered (*x......). I realize if you say 14/32 + 15/32 you get 29/32 which is not the same as...
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    65% of the Shorthorn breeds current design is based on show heifers.

    I just looked up those 2 Argentine females to date  no offspring have been registered, but maybe in the future.
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    Sangamon Irish Plumber

    Thanks can do oakview
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    Sangamon Irish Plumber

    Does anybody have a picture of Sangamon Irish Plumber.
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    Sangamon Irish Plumber

    Anybody know anything about this old Shorthorn Bull?  If there is semen still floating around? I have never used the bull but when I bought my first shorthorn heifers back in 1999 the lady I bought them from talked about this bull.  She said he made them red and thick.  After seeing some of the...
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    What kind of trailer hitch do you prefer for Gooseneck trailers and why?

    I would recommend a gooseneck hitch ball.  A fifth wheel hitch takes up a lot of bed space.  If you get a hide away ball or popup ball you can continue to use you truck bed like any other truck bed when not hauling.
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    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    AJ and Knabe so you have personality conflicts, grow up and put the past behind you.  If can not agree then agree to disagree.  You both have comments of value, but it seems you are constantly bickering and acting like two grade school prima donna's toward one another.  I think you all need to...
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    Shorthorn Genetic Problems

    My proposal is very much like others here propose.  Allow calves from existing carriers to be registered, but deny registration of any bull calf moving forward that does not test free  of known genetic defects.
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    Shorthorn Genetic Problems

    I was very vocal about carriers and how they should all be culled when TH and PHA came to light.  As I have matured, I have come to not be as harsh in my beliefs.  Will I ever use a TH or PHA carrier?  Probably not, but I just might use a bull from "dirty" pedigree that is clean.  The more we...