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  1. looking4champions

    adding rib shape?

    I like to give steers cotton seed hulls, but I like to give them all the hay they can manage as well.  That definitely helps.  For hair, try SHAG.  I like it more than Hide and Hair.  Fresh and Femine (from what I understand, never used it) is supposed to help trim up the brisket area and target...
  2. looking4champions

    Fly control in barn - help!

    Fly traps do help alot. I use the type that you mix the packet with water and out in the container.  The key is to put them close to te ground.  The sticky fly traps work took. They work real well.  The fly bait in the can called Golden Marlin and the similar ones by the same manufacturer help. ...
  3. looking4champions

    Happy Canada Day.

    LOL..... It's funny the way life works  ;D  I read some of the jibberesh people post on here and I have to laugh.  People talking down about people from different walks of life, as if they can. Expressing political views on a website named "Steer planet".  Go to your local city council, town...
  4. looking4champions

    Sullivan’s Turbo Fan

    The main parameters you need to concern yourself with for replacement are the Hp(horsepower), rev/min (speed) and the diameter of the fan shaft.  You can try McMaster Carr to find a repacement fan also. Typically those fan motors are 1/2 hp or less.  Rev/min is critical because the motor has to...
  5. looking4champions

    Anyway to gain width?

    I think you have a calf that looks good first and foremost.  How is his conditioning?  End of July is a good ways away.  I would give him stabilized rice bran or some other source of energy in addition to the Fitters Edge to get some additional growth. Fitters Edge is excellent for getting one...
  6. looking4champions

    What's your vision of a Grand Champion Steer

    I know a lot of shows have been canceled as a result of what's going on now..... However, I also know families are still buying steers and continuing to feed steers with hopes of the approaching Fall 2020 and Spring '21 shows still taking place.  Therefore, we gotta keep our steer-eyes sharp...
  7. looking4champions


    Thanks for the replies!
  8. looking4champions


    Need to get a steer from N.W. Texas brought back east.  Any recommendations for reliable trucking or transport welcomed.  Please send P. M.
  9. looking4champions

    Feeding a show steer

    In my opinion, Purina Full Range is a good feed.  So you are off to a good start with that.  It's good to have a solid base feed that you can add to with supplements or whatever to help you get to your desired endpoint.  There is some skill to feeding a steer as well.  You have to know how you...
  10. looking4champions

    Clipping dvd

    The DVD's with Guyer from Sullivan's is a great start.  He gives you the basics for clipping.
  11. looking4champions

    Green Stuff/Stand Out + Sullivan's Styling Mousse

    Does The Green Stuff work well with Sullivan's Styling Mousse? I've never used it before and want to try it since I've been hearing about it.  Is the Stand Out product pretty good?  Does the mousse go on first or does the Green Stuff/Stand Out go down then the mousse for holding.  I'm used...
  12. looking4champions

    warts..... need help

    If you've tried all of those things then its time to talk to your vet.  I wouldn't waste anymore time.
  13. looking4champions

    HIA Offspring Dispositions

    I'm seeing a lot of HIA calves for sale.  Some real good ones. Some mediocre ones too... What's the latest consensus on the disposition/attitude of these calves?
  14. looking4champions

    High Octane Heavyweight

    I have fed it to one steer in the past. He did eat it, but his appetite was great anyway. So take my assessment of palatability with a grain of salt.  It has the consistency of flour.  I didn't like it because of the powdered form.  I've seen more people use it for hogs.  They typically mix it...
  15. looking4champions

    Everything Show Cattle is no more

    Ok.  Let's do it together. Things that are accepted and are considered acceptable are never a problem.
  16. looking4champions

    Everything Show Cattle is no more

    Go back and read this post... Topic: WELLA WELLA WELLA its that time uv year  (Read 3242 times) I don't care about the caricature.  It's just the fact that the pic file extension was originally named "n8gger elvis".  I asked him to change it and he did, with no hesitation. And why not just...
  17. looking4champions

    Everything Show Cattle is no more

    One way to bring Steerplanet back is to keep the politics and racist remarks off of it.  The same thing we complain about and suspect people of in the showing is what goes on with some of the posters on the forum.  Politics and emotions.  If you keep it about family and love of the past time it...
  18. looking4champions

    Share your experience/advice please

    I deal with show steers the same way.  Depends on how broke they are from the breeder; Iwill take the halter off in the trailer on the ride home. I will only halter them up to handle them.  Over time I will approach them to interact without the halter, scratching, rubbing combing, etc. I handle...
  19. looking4champions

    Steer high protein feed??

    Either this thread is a joke, or the scoop must be the same size of the plastic scoop you get for free in a box of laundry detergent..... :-\
  20. looking4champions

    Hair Supplements

    Growing.... and keeping hair on a steer has just as much to do with the steers diet and feed intake as it does with how you take of the hair. Purina Fitters Edge and Glu Coat does wonders for growing hair.