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  1. looking4champions

    bloat and rumensin crc bolus

    If you have a good large animal vet. Seek their counsel first.  Plus, I don't think you will be able to find the Rumensin CRC bolus. I don't know if they are even sold in the states anymore. (Don't quote me on that).  Had trouble finding them a year ago...... Never found them to be frank.  If...
  2. looking4champions

    My Daughter's Fair Steer

    Just from the pics it looks like he is in the 850-950 lb range. Just my guess.  I'm not sure if your fair is a hair show or not, but considering you have a black steer my guess is it's a hair show.  At this point I would focus on getting him soft and putting cover on his ribs (fat).  Achieving...
  3. looking4champions

    help with popping pasterns

    I would recommended talking to your breeder, vet or some other experienced person YOU TRUST!! Based on my research and basic knowledge, I've learned the fundamental reasoning for popping pasterns is either mineral deficiency or ligament issues.  If you believe it's due to mineral deficiency then...
  4. looking4champions

    Favorite Brand of Cattle Feed

    I tell you what..... If you want a feed that works straight from the sack.  You can't go wrong with Purina Honor Show Chow. I've seen the Fitter’s Edge in action and also the Impact Club Calf.  You can't go wrong.  The Fitter's Edge is more expensive.... True. If you want to pour your feed in...
  5. looking4champions

    Opinions on this steer?

    Just a couple of questions 1)What show is he going to and when 2)How is he bred
  6. looking4champions

    Best products to help out with pastern issues.

    I know there is an awful lot of information scattered about containing multiple opinions on what's the best product, practices and correctional measures for helping out with pastern issues. (Don't want to start a debate on breeding, structural flaws, conformation, etc.)  I have a steer that's...